Mother jailed for ripping off son's genitals, tries to superglue them back on

I could not believe when I read the title for this thread!

This is truly disturbing and I hope the woman in question ends up in a mental institute as this is not just criminal behavior, it's twisted.
How can a mother rip off the genitals from her kid? And trying to glue them back? I really can't believe this sort of things happens for real...!

Here's what the article says,

Prosecutors say the father returned home from work, found his injured son and took him to a military hospital. The boy, who's recovering from a lacerated scrotum and bruising, remains with his father.

A laceration could mean many things but most of the time, it's when something sharp comes into contact with skin. It could be human nails or another sharp object. The kids organ might have been wounded. It could have happened for many reasons. You can count domestic abuse, mental illness, accidental injuries from a confrontation, etc.

UPDATE: I searched for it online and an article on time magazine stated that, the mother got angry with the kid so she pulled the organ.

This story is horrendous. It's the main reason why I believe a chunk of the population should parent. Yes, everyone what's the white picket fence, a spouse, children and nice home, but everyone isn't mentally sound or financially sound to maintain this type of lifestyle. I hope they put this woman under the jailhouse. She truly deserves to suffer for all of the physical and mental pain she put on her son.
That child will be disturbed for the rest of his life. That poor boy will never have a normal life ever again. She just forced her son to be gay and never trust women ever again. This is to sad. How can a mother take her sons man hood like that?
Christ this story made me cringe . Damn you for posting it ! What the hell is wrong with that b*tch !?
LOL Investigating why the mother was angry. Lock that b*tch up in a mental institution and throw away the key. Kid was 6 years old. He wasn't a teenager or old enough to physically attack her. Sickening.
Ripping off your kids genitals is abnormal. The mom was wrong for doing that. She would pay for her mistake.
Wtf was this woman thinking. Why would she chop her son genitals off. I think that's really physco. I wonder what her excuse was for doing that.
I know that this is an old news article, but this is crazy! How can a mother even do that to her child! She sure has serious mental issues. I feel bad for him. :(