Most Hated Stereotype?


New Member
As a civilian, I know that there are many stereotypes for law enforcement officers. What are the ones, as officers, that you hate the most? Are there any specific ones that really get on your nerves or are they all obnoxious?
There isn't really a stereotypical cop in the UK, but we do automatically assume that they are going to start getting clever with us. Of course, there are some cops like that, but them again, you get people like that in all walks of life. On the whole though, cops are fine with you if you are fine with them. There's always a bad apple or two but they aren't indicative of the entire force.
I think one stereotype is that they are lazy. The obvious cops in the doughnut shop when they should be patrolling. There's also the stereotype that most or all cops are dirty one way or another. There's always been rumors flying around here that the police use the drugs they confiscate as well.
It is indeed annoying to be stereotyped and labeled as lazy. That is always the image of cops and not are like that at all. Another stereotype is that they actually have no idea what exactly they are doing.
Well, the stereotype of the policemans here in Spain is the prepotent pimp one. I believe that is unfair, there are a lot of kinds of cops, just as in another work, and I know some cops which are actually humbles and nice persons.
There's this disgusting stereotype that cops can't run too far/fast because they're too fat. I've seen a few fat policemen myself but the assumption that cops can't run after a suspect to apprehend him/her is baseless. There are numerous policemen who are very fit.
The most obnoxious police officers I've met are those that are too lazy to do their job correctly or to arrogant, treating us like if they are superior. Gladly there aren't many of those around because they give a bad name to the police.
The most obnoxious police officers I've met are those that are too lazy to do their job correctly or to arrogant, treating us like if they are superior. Gladly there aren't many of those around because they give a bad name to the police.

This. Or, they are in very PEAK physical conditioning, and you can tell they take their job WAY too seriously - trying to act all "Hollywood" cop on a situation that requires kid gloves.

The worse stereotype is doughnuts, though. Everyone loves doughnuts, if you can eat them (and digest them right and it doesn't mess with ya) this shouldn't even be a thing. More often than not, the stereotype that holds true is plain laziness; seeing cops idle everywhere, talking to fellow cops in a pull-off stop for extended periods of time or just generally ignoring their surroundings. Laziness is not a good excuse for failing your job. FIRED! As Trump would say.