Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron

I cannot wait to see this! OMG they are torturing us by releasing it so early. We have to wait until 2015 to see the finished film. Wish they would just move it back to a Christmas release. Love the hulk buster armor also. I guess they are going to have Tony be the one responsible for creating Ultron instead of Hank Pym like in the comics. Marvel is just dominating the movies as of late. I hope they keep it up.
After a leak, Marvel decided to simply officially release their trailer for the upcoming movie.

Personally I'm hyped for the Hulkbuster
YES! Same here; I am absolutely stoked for this sequel to come out, it's going to be great. And I am certainly looking forward to seeing some more of the Hulk. Mark Ruffalo is my favorite person yet to play as my favorite super hero. It's not that the other two weren't, but I don't think they play the role of the Bruce Banner and his alter ego. It looks like this Avenger movie is going to be a little more on the dark side, but I'm sure that it's only going to add to the effect.
P.S. Seven months to go!
This week has been awesome! Wildcat & Manhunter on Arrow! Ronnie Raymond on Flash! Mockingbird on Agents of Shield! Ultron Trailer was AMAZING! Constantine was good, I dug it! and now Marvel's huge announcements! It's a great time to be a comicbook fan!