Man Tries To Throw A Knife At Police Officers


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A Virginia man in a wheelchair allegedly pulled a knife on two police officers and prepared to throw it at them after they tried to remove him from a hotel room on Saturday. 50-year-old Christopher Todd Jackson has been charged with two counts of assault on police and with trespassing.

Jackson who lives with a service dog, was staying at a Motel 6. The incident unfolded Saturday morning around 11:30 a.m. when Jackson got into an argument with management over the cleanliness of his room and refusing to leave the property, authorities said.

Jackson became “verbally belligerent†with hotel employees, so much so that management asked him to leave the hotel, Maj. Greg Riley of the Williamsburg Police Department said.

He was told that he had to vacate his room and leave hotel property by 3 p.m. Saturday or police would be called. "At 3:05 p.m., Jackson and all his possessions were still in his room, and officers arrived to take Jackson into custody for trespassing," Riley said.

The two police officers went into the room to take Jackson into custody for trespassing. Authorities say Jackson then pulled out a knife, and made an attempt to throw it at the two officers. Police say they used a Taser on him before he could throw it.

He was arrested and transported to the Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail. Officials say neither police officer was injured during the incident.

Authorities say Jackson's service dog was handed over to Williamsburg-James City County Animal Control.


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He doesn't look like he's in a good way by the look of that picture. So I'm guessing that desperate men take desperate measures. I hope that he gets the support that he needs. Just throwing him into jail isn't going to solve some of his long-term problems.
I am actually surprised that the issue arose because he did not want to keep the room clean. I am sure that if he requested kindly someone would have helped him if he was unable to clean the room. People today get so angry and look for the quickest way to inflict pain on others. They get into greater problems that could have been avoided.
The man was clearly not going to allow himself to be arrested without a fight,his disability notwithstanding ! It's a pity that debacle arose out of his inability to keep his room clean.I hope those allegations were true and that the management were not in any way biased towards him.
The guy is obviously not playing with a full deck. What type of guy takes a knife to a gun fight ? This is while he is in a wheelchair. The guy shouldn't be charged, but commited. He is obviously insane.
I thought motels had house keeping staff.. He shouldn't have thrown the knife at the police, but at the same time I would have been furious if I was him. Just how dirty was his room, this might have been nothing more than an excuse to get rid of his dog by the motel management.
For a second there I didn't know that that was a man I could've sworn that it was an old lady. It looks just like an old lady like an old witch or something what an incredibly scary picture.
It looks like a case where the motel wanted him to leave and things got heated and he attacked the police. I doubt he was much of a threat being in a wheelchair, but a case of finding a way to remove someone as motels have the right to ask people to leave even if they have paid. Some people don't understand that and think if they have paid, they are entitled to stay and behave badly.
This guy clearly has issues and that was a stupid thing for him to do. He should be charged just like anyone else, even though he's disabled. He could have easily hurt the officer with the knife also.
Yeah I agree there is clearly something wrong with the guy. Who throws a knife at a cop or anyone for that matter? Throwing him into jail wont solve his problems but hopefully he can get some help.