Man Allegedly Beats Toddler Over Cheesecake


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A 30-year-old Memphis man is accused of severely beating a toddler for allegedly eating the last slice of a cheesecake. Anthony Gulledge and Katrina Johnson, the child’s mother have both been charged with aggravated child abuse.

Authorities say the beating was so severe that the 3-year-old boy sustained serious injuries, including a broken femur bone in his leg and a dislocated vertebrae.

Police say Gulledge allegedly beat the child after he came home and discovered that the toddler had eaten the last slice of cheesecake. He reportedly dragged the boy out of his bedroom by his ankles, then brutally beat him with a belt. The child’s mother claims Gulledge later hit her son again.

Johnson, for some reason didn't take her son to the hospital until the next day. Once doctors examined the boy, they discovered several injuries and called police.

Katrina Johnson has been charged since police say she allegedly did nothing to stop the beating and then waited a day until finally doing something about it. According to officials, by state law, Johnson is obligated to report the abuse the day it happens.

Anthony Gulledge, has been charged with neglect, aggravated child abuse and domestic assault. He is being held on a $210,000 bond.

According to police records, police have been called to the same house several times in the past for domestic assault.



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All because of a slice of cheesecake? This man has some serious problems and needs some intervention before he kills someone. What was the mother thinking though? She should have got her son to the hospital immediately and called the police herself.
This woman looks abused and I understand her fear if she had been subjected to abuse before. Most abused victims do not know how to seek for help. This man has anger issues that he should resolve instead of subjecting it to the people around him. I feel so sad for this toddler who does not know right from wrong at the moment.
Wow, a beating over a cake, are we all crazy or what? That guys desperately needs help before he kill someone that appears in front of him, he needs some time in jail to think about it.
Regardless of whether she is abused or not, she should have taken the child to the hospital. The poor little one must have been in pain. This makes me wonder just how much food the child had, had and if he may have been hungry too. What does a 3year old know? I hope they throw the book at him!
So if police were called to the house several times in the past for domestic violence it sounds like they (both the child and the mother) are victims of abuse by the hand of this man. Very sad indeed. Hope that cheesecake was worth it you idiots!
Maybe the woman was too scared to take the child to the hospital. If the man was beating the child, who knows what he was doing to the poor woman. Domestic disputes are always really messy and a lot of the time the abused person refuses to file charges.
What a shameful act ! How can you beat your own son over food? Your own father? Unbelievable. Since it's apparent it's not the first instance,that kid is better in a foster care since his safety isn't guaranteed.
That man has some deep seeded issues. I'm sure he was probably abused as a child too. Still that is no excuse, as for the mother. Well I been in relationships that were abusive. You want to hit me go for it. You put your hands on my kid I'll go crazy on ya fast. No mother should ever let any man abuse her child period.
I don't make excuses for people like this, They are clearly sick and both should be put away for good. The child and the rest of the world are better off without them!