Lack of recources?


Active Member
I notice a lot of internet users mention that if they have been a victim of a scam or fraud and report it to the police a report is taken but then nothing seems to happen.

Is this because you do not have the resources to investigate so many reports?
Cyber crimes such as cyber fraud is hard to investigate as the police force in my place currently dont have the necessary resources needed to help them track and locate this scammers. And there are loopholes in the current cyber law which criminals abuse and make them escape conviction..
I didn't know that police couldn't handle internet scam and fraud. You would think they could handle that. Maybe it is because of the resources. I'm sure they would do everything they could to help if they had the resources to help.
Thanks for the replies. I think that many law enforcement folks do not have the resources allocated to them to do more to counteract cybercrime. Also the authorities in many countries appear to be very much behind the times in keeping up with the rapid advances made by the fraudsters.

Due to the staggeringly large amounts of money being stolen and therefore lost to many first world nations, one would think that a comparatively small amount spent to stop these crimes would be sensible
Even with the resources, tracking down a scammer would cost a lot more than someone lost. Take for example if someone uses a VPN for all his transactions online. When you start following the trail and end up against a blank wall, all the time wasted, cost of making calls to demand for the VPN service providers [who may not be willing to cooperate] to reveal the source IP of the scammer and other technicalities may not be worth it unless a serious crime is committed. So for fraud and other internet scams, police may not do anything about them.
I believe it is a problem with society thinking it can solve its problems using 'uncivilized' methods. Of course the problem starts with 'uncivilized' methods of being governed, which the majority of people believe in. Changing the mindset of the status quo would be a start in solving most of our Earth's problems, but will the rulers/kings/politicians allow it to happen?
Tracking down internet fraud is very time consuming. I think they are unable to keep up with it because there is too much to do to keep things safe on the streets. Keeping people from being physically harmed is obviously priority over financial crimes.
I don't believe it has to do with lack of resources. It's mostly because of the internet being a very tough place to track people down. Very few people or sites (i.e 4chan) can actually do this. Also, the police force are not trained or educated in these sort of scenarios... which is something that needs to change as most crimes nowadays will probably be over the internet.
I don't believe it has to do with lack of resources. It's mostly because of the internet being a very tough place to track people down. Very few people or sites (i.e 4chan) can actually do this. Also, the police force are not trained or educated in these sort of scenarios... which is something that needs to change as most crimes nowadays will probably be over the internet.
I totally agree with you! Cops nowadays should be trained to fight cases of internet scams. It really sucks that the internet is a place where you can get away with mostly everything, even using false information on important sites.
I think this will change though, since more and more people get acces to internet these days there will be more reports, hence the need for more internet experience in solving cases.
There are quite a few programs that although expensive can be used to track people over the internet, I am sure that some are available to law enforcement.

It seems that cybercrime is advancing quicker than the authorities and more resources need to be allocated to fighting this type of crime.
I too am of the same thoughts that many law enforcement folks do not have the resources allocated to them to do more to counteract cyber crime.More over it is time consuming and the efforts and money required to track down a crime costs more than what was lost.
Could it also be because many scams are from different countries? Perhaps it's difficult to get jurisdiction in another country, to obtain the IP addresses etc, let alone impose discipline.
Unfortunately this is a problem not only of the police, but from many other areas of activity, the money doesn't seem to be enough for all the needs, but at the same time certain companies profit billions.
I totally agree with you! Cops nowadays should be trained to fight cases of internet scams. It really sucks that the internet is a place where you can get away with mostly everything, even using false information on important sites.
I think this will change though, since more and more people get access to internet these days there will be more reports, hence the need for more internet experience in solving cases.

Indeed. Perhaps another branch of police could be started in which their sole purpose is to deal with internet related crimes? I think if they received the right training then this would really help out with cyber crimes.
There are some new "cybercrime" units that have been set up.
They are having some success but It seems they go mainly after the larger scammers and those who could be funding the terrorist groups. The smaller victims could tend to be last on the list.
There are a number of issues when it comes to investigating this type of crime, and one of them is certainly that they don't have the tools in order to track down who is responsible. A lot of people who carry on their crime over the internet know that this is the case, and they absolutely make the most of the fact that it is very difficult, if not impossible, for them to be found. Of course, if there was a huge amount being done and it looked as though it was the same people responsible then they would take more of an interest, but unfortunately if it's an individual who has only lost a small amount of money, while it might be very upsetting for the victim, chances are the criminals just aren't worth chasing because it would cost so much to do so.
The problem is that the criminals have sometimes unlimited resources and the police not even close, so that is the main issue.