Kids Who Get In Trouble


Well-Known Member
Do you find that kids who get in trouble often come from broken homes or single parent homes? I have heard many people share their opinions on why kids get in trouble, but I would be interested in hearing from a cop what they have observed about these kids.
It's an assumption most people make that most kids who get in trouble with the law must have issues at home. Regardless of how stable a kid's family is, should they get themselves the wrong friends then what follows is they may start using drugs. Drugs impair someone's judgment and they can end up doing things which they end up regretting. So, while majority of kids who commit crimes may be from broken homes , not all of them are.
Why Do Rich Kids Commit Crimes? - Pacific Standard: The Science of Society
There might be a correlation, but I don't think it's really a cause and effect thing. With parents working to support the family more often than not the biggest influence would be their peers. Growing up in a crime-rich, poorer neighbourhood would increase the likelihood of the child being influenced by criminal gangs and turning to crime. More often than not it is broken/single parent homes which dwell in such neighborhoods as they have to struggle to earn enough for the family on their own.
I do not think that sinlge parent hood really matters, it is all about the virtues that a child has been raised up with, you can find that a child comes from a home that has both parents yet the child gets introuble all the time, so it all depends on the bringing up of the child.
I do think that there are larger number of children who come from broken homes, because they have often not had a male figure in their lives, however I do think that credit needs to be given to the huge number of single parents who have managed to raise their children in such a way that they have never actually committed any crimes at all, because there are a lot of people who fall into this category. Anything that a child has to go through earlier in life can have an impact on how likely they are to commit crimes, but there are many people from broken homes who go on to lead full and completely happy lives.
This happens a lot because kids don't understand the concept of rules so they think they can do whatever they want and they get themselves into trouble.
I know a friend who always gets in trouble when he was younger, and he was pretty rich. I actually visited his house once and the family seems very very nice.

On the other hand, I know a friend who's in a shady family that gets in trouble quite frequently as a child. So it really depends on the kid; the environment in which they grow up in can affect them.
As a single Mom I would have to disagree. I don't think that being a single parent necessarily sets your child up to get into trouble. My daughter is so peaceful and caring she overdoes it sometimes, which is great I guess LOL I think that parenting is a difficult job for anyone. Things have changed a lot over the years and it's only grown rougher out there in the world. Regardless of who you are, you really have to stay involved in your child's life. If you can do this, then they'll be OK. Otherwise, even children from an "intact" home can get into trouble.
As someone who works with troubled kids, and has for about 15 years, I think that kids coming from "broken" homes is NOW a myth. I think that at one point it was a very real thing, but today is seems to be more about oblivious parents, or parents that have no sense of responsibility, and pass the buck on everything. That's just my .02
Teens In Crisis... I totally agree with you and not just because I'm a single Mom. I think there are a lot of parents who simply don't get involved in their kids' lives enough anymore. I'm not sure why our culture has come to the point that we need laws for even the stupidest things or why parents no longer care about their kids but it really is a sad state of affairs.
I would say that is more the individual than his upbringing. Really bad people, like the famous serial killer Ted Bundy came from a white collar-class home, and how good parents. He just had something inside him that made him not act like normal people. Looking at it the other way, there have been many very poor people who had alcoholic parents that beat them or ignored them who became very successful.
Do you find that kids who get in trouble often come from broken homes or single parent homes? I have heard many people share their opinions on why kids get in trouble, but I would be interested in hearing from a cop what they have observed about these kids.

Kids who get in trouble always has issues at home. Particularly with the mother. There's never an exception to this rule. Now some children can handle issues at home better and fare better in society, but even when they're not a menace to society it still leaks out in other ways. Now as for children who grew up in well to do, wealthy, or stable homes is besides the point because materialism has nothing to do social issues in the family. Most of these children may not go out and engage in street crime, but it leaks out in other ways. Such as how kids go bonkers in college and hurt each other in hazing rituals. It's destruction inflicted upon themselves. And let us not forget Amy Fisher, who came from a wealthy home.

When kids get in trouble it's always linked to issues in the home, particularly with the mother.

There's never an exception to this rule.

The most common thing kids do is rush into sex and having children. It's trouble they create not only for themselves but for the children they bring here because they're mentally ill equipped to properly handle parenting. Which is a cycle that carries on from generation to generation.
What I find is crazy is that in a lot of my criminal justice books, children who turn out to commit serious offenses are usually from broken homes, have been abused (physically, emotionally, even sexually). Personally, I do not believe being a single parent would result in the child committing crimes because it is all in how you raise your child. Parents these days do not seem to be involved in their child's life. Sometimes I feel as if kids and teens act out because they are wanting the attention of their parents...whether it is positive OR negative, as long as they are receiving attention. It sounds sad when you really put things in perspective. This is why I spend as much time with my 5 year old as possible...I feel great parent relationships can help with a child's development in leading a fulfilling life.
It has a lot to do with how a child is raised. There are critical times in a person's life. If they aren't guided on the straight well lit path they can get lost. It's really very sad. As parents we have to strive to set a good example and be a counter balance in the lives of the young people in our lives. Without solid young people we have no future as a society.
I think it depends on the education that the kid has received from his family and teachers. If the kid doesn't have an appropriate guidance to guide his path, he may do something wrong because no one fixes his mistakes and teaches him how to be better.
As a single Mom I would have to disagree. I don't think that being a single parent necessarily sets your child up to get into trouble. My daughter is so peaceful and caring she overdoes it sometimes, which is great I guess LOL I think that parenting is a difficult job for anyone. Things have changed a lot over the years and it's only grown rougher out there in the world. Regardless of who you are, you really have to stay involved in your child's life. If you can do this, then they'll be OK. Otherwise, even children from an "intact" home can get into trouble.

I love what you posted!! I was a single mom for many years and my daughter is so unbelievable caring and kind. I've raised her to love. Parenting is a hard task and as she gets older, it only gets more difficult. I think any child can get into trouble regardless of what type of home they came from.
Thanks Popcorn365. Truth be told, parenting is hard work no matter if you have a partner to help you or not. I'm so blessed that my daughter has turned out the way that she has. Unfortunately, I bet she'd be the first to be picked on in school but fortunately for her she's homeschooled. I hope your daughter doesn't get picked on for having such a great heart.
I love what you posted!! I was a single mom for many years and my daughter is so unbelievable caring and kind. I've raised her to love. Parenting is a hard task and as she gets older, it only gets more difficult. I think any child can get into trouble regardless of what type of home they came from.

We must teach our children self defense. Not only self defense physically but also mentally. Solving problems is also a form of self defense. We can only protect our children but so far, so a child needs their own ability to fend for themselves to be developed.