Intimidation, in either direction?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if you use intimidation to get respect/cooperation/submission. This doesn't necessarily mean that you say you are going to crack their head. I mean do you threaten jail or restraint often? Looking at it another way, do people threaten you with "who they know" or taking it to court to prove you are wrong or a liar?
I've heard cops say things like "you're making me nervous" which might as well be a threat. Someone could be just adjusting their arm a bit and the police officer would be "nervous." Then, because they are nervous, they have a legitimate reason to restrain you. At least, that's their opinion.
Cops by nature of their job have to be edgy. If they let their guard down, they could get killed. I suppose I understand that they need to stay in control of the situation. If that means a threat they mean to carry out or not, it would be understandable. I have been threatened by police with phrases like, "I don't want to hurt you", which of course means there's a chance you are about to get roughed up.