I suppose what I mean is I’d like a clear definition of what exactly constitutes a jailable offense, what severity corresponds to what sentence, etc. should something like this come to pass in my own country. Some people can brush these things off, some can’t, and some trolling is far more severe than other types. And occasionally non-trolling could be perceived as trolling. I can’t help but feel like there’d be potential for abuse on both sides. Like, what happens if someone takes a non-trolling debate far too personally? I’ve seen this happen many times elsewhere. I like to think people would know the difference, but it would still be troublesome and detrimental to both sides.
And from a troll’s perspective? I’m sure at least some would try to rise to the challenge of an anti-trolling law. Few things could bring them more satisfaction than knowing they’re able to circumvent laws meant to bring them to justice. So it’s a nice idea in theory, but I’d have to see the results in practice before I could say I’m behind it 100%.