Injuries on the job

Are injuries a common thing on the job? I'm aware that real life policework is nothing like what you see on TV, and nothing near as dangerous, but it still appears to me as if injuries would be a significant concern.
And how do you deal with any contracted injuries? Does it impact your work in any significant way?
Thank you.
I'm actually wondering if any cop has ever gotten shot in the line of duty. They happen so much in the movies and on T.V. that you would think it's pretty common. If a cop did happen to get shot, I hope they had a good recovery or is recovering nicely.
A police officer has to be fit to perform it's duty so yeah, this is a good question, I hope police officers have proper support in case of injury.
I would like to think that they are compensated well in the event of injury, but I believe that they receive similar benefits to military, in some cases it might not be enough.
Unless the police person works in bad neighborhoods of big cities, I think that a traffic cop or State Patrol would have the most dangerous job. Not only are the people constantly different, and he/she doesn't know what to expect, the traffic itself is a constant danger. Have you ever seen the programs where the police person gets clipped, or plowed into fully?