I'm new to shining boots

First thing you need to do is clean the dirt off your boots with a damp rag and make sure it's dried off. Then cover the entire boot with a good amount of polish. I let the polish dry for about 20 to 25 minutes and then brush the entire boot with a horsehair shine brush. For the toe and heel I use a cotton ball in a small circular motion.
This is the method I use, I've found it works really well. The shoe polish I use is Kiwi black shoe polish.

1. Wear your boots and place one foot on an elevated surface. (I use one foot on the stairs/chair)

2. Place a small amount of polish on your boot, brush it evenly onto the boot surface

3. Grab a piece of gun cleaning cloth. (The disposable kind, white with red lines) Tear about 4 squares of the cloth, you may keep and reuse this over time.

4. Place the cloth, long side horizontally over the boot and rub it vigorously in a left-and-right motion while pressing the cloth down onto the boot.

5. Repeat with the other boot.
I'm assuming that these are leather boots. All you need is some shoe polish (same color as the leather). You take the lid and you fill it half way with warm water. Next you need a cotton cloth (an old t-shirt will work fine). What you'll do now is wrap a bit of the cotton cloth around your index finger, dip it in the water and contact the shoe polish with a circular motion using the tip of your wrapped finger. When you have just a tad of polish on your clothe transfer that same circular motion to the boot. Just keep going in small circles until the leather begins to shine. Repeat on all parts of the boot which you desire to bring to a high gloss.
This will work too. But my method will give you an incredible shine. So perfect you can see your reflection on the toe of the boot. I guess that I would do it your way on average days, and my way on special days, or if there is some special event to attend. You always want to put your best foot forward in any case.
I wipe off all the dirt first, then I give the boot a nice large coat of base polish. After waiting around few minutes, I dab a little polish in warm water, and I spread it on the boot in large circles. Keep repeating with smaller amounts of polish until it's completely shiny. I personaaly do it until I can see a clear reflection. I frequently breath on my booths as it provides moisture and heat.