If you won the lottery


Well-Known Member
What would you do with the money? I have a lot of debt that is waiting to be paid off, and other than that I'd probably buy a nice house near the beach and go on a trip in Puerto Rico.
I'd then keep the rest and make the most out of it, maybe I'd invest some in the stock market.
I would clear all my debts and invest some part of it in my kids education. I'll definitely expand my business and invest in some sound business like the stock market.
I would make sure me and mine were financially secure enough to where I could help others (investment, proper use of the money, not going on spending sprees or buying extravagant items). I hate seeing people suffer because of "no money" in this world because I've lived destitute and poor before and I'd never wish that on anyone. Money can corrupt easier than anything, so you have to spend it right!
I'd clear my debts and mortgage then go on vacation for a couple of months, to decide what I should do next. There's a few friends who I would like to treat too, especially my BFF who is a single mom working two jobs.
I would dump a large amount of it into safe stocks with 5% dividends, the rest I would invest into my business. I'd try and make sure that I put at least five years of expenses into a bank account. The most important thing I would try to actively do is stick to what I've been buying. Unless there is a huge upside to buying something different, I'll try not to raise my costs. For example I wouldn't go out and buy a new car that gets horrible gas mileage.
I would buy a home and take a nice holiday! Something I have not had in years. I would invest and make sure my family are taken care of.
I would buy a beautiful house with a barn, sort of like a farmhouse. I love the country by the way. Then I would share some of the money I have won to the less fortunate people. It's good to share your blessings, right? Then I would travel around the world.
What would you do with the money? I have a lot of debt that is waiting to be paid off, and other than that I'd probably buy a nice house near the beach and go on a trip in Puerto Rico.
I'd then keep the rest and make the most out of it, maybe I'd invest some in the stock market.
I would help pay off my moms house and then get my own. I would also invest my cash into a business I have not decided what I want yet.
If I won the lottery, I'd first of all clear my debts, buy land and build rental and commercial properties so that I can get steady income from then henceforth. Put a bit in savings and if there's still left, take a few days holiday in some beautiful beach in the Bahamas
How much money are we talking about? A million bucks? Ten Million? 20 or more? To be honest, I'd probably invest 90% of the dough in residential real estate. I'd then buy a whole lot of books and send them to a number of children's homes. Books can change the lives of those children so I'm sure that's the best gift those kids will ever get. The proceeds from my investments would be used to do some more good.
I would just buy a home on the lake, or possibly a portable home and live the rest of my life enjoying my life. I would give my government whatever cuts they force out of me and opt out in every other way possible. I would calculate what I need to live simply the rest of my days and put the rest away for my kids.