If you can transform into any animal...

I would transform into a cheetah because they can really run fast at speeds that can match that of a car and they can chase prey or any land animal which challenges them. They are also very elegant to look with their slim physique and golden-yellow, black-spotted skin. It is also exciting to watch how they hunt because they first stalk their prey then in an instant spring into attack mode to lock down on the wandering prey.
Definitely a cat. I believe I was a cat in my previous life. I don't know why, I somehow feel like I am sort of connected to cats, like whenever I look at them, I feel like I know if they are happy or sad or mad. I love Hello Kitty too.
Bald Eagle. Majestic Birds of prey, nests bigger than a Volkswagen Beetle, and they are elegant. Soar among the clouds, fly freely around. Simpler life.

Aside from that, a Cheetah on a the plains of Africa, stalking my prey.
...what would you be?

I would want to be an eagle or a falcon, because I have always dreamed of flying. To be able to stretch my wings and soar among the clouds would be very wonderful experiences.

I would most definitely transform into an Elephant, huge,elegant and powerful. Able to traverse the vast terrains without fear of any other animal apart from the poacher's lethal bullet. All factor's remaining constant, i would live close to a hundred years comfortably.
If I could transform into any animal, I would probably transform into a dog. Dogs have the life... They have plenty of love, food, homes, friends, etc. They don't have to go through a rough life like some humans do. So that's what I would be.
I would either pick something that can fly, like an eagle or a condor (condors are fucking awesome), or something that can swim and can reach outstanding depths; maybe even some kind of fish that we haven't discovered yet.
I'm going to admit that I didn't want to answer this question. I then thought to myself, 'Joan, you know full well people are going to look up what you posted after you die so you might as well let them know'.

Definitely a cat. I believe I was a cat in my previous life. I don't know why, I somehow feel like I am sort of connected to cats, like whenever I look at them, I feel like I know if they are happy or sad or mad. I love Hello Kitty too.
That is wonderful that you are connected to cats. I feel that if you are connected to cats then you got to have something to grab on. Hope you would be able to get along with some of those black cats LOL.
phoenix,just because the name itself sounds so cool and i really have taken a liking to it.If its anything in reality then i would love to turn into a cheetah.Now don't ask me why,i really don't know myself.:p
I would to be able to transform into a deer/stag/gazelle or anything like them. I just love how they are well-behaved and keep to themselves all the time; eating and chewing grass, like they seem to do not care about their surroundings. However, in reality, they are well aware of their surroundings and can sense danger from afar, and they run very fast, like the wind. Sometimes, even cheetahs have a hard time catching them because of their agility and good reflexes.
If I could transform into a animals it would definitely be a handsome deer. I believe that they are one of the best am animals alive. I think they are quite great and are definitely cute.
I was thinking some sort of large cat, because they're just so beautiful and strong and not much messes with them, so I'd feel pretty safe out there with all my freedom lol. But I think a bird sounds pretty cool too. Any bird. Being able to fly anywhere in the world whenever the mood strikes me. Id' feel pretty safe being able to do that as well.. so hopefully nothing would catch and eat me while I'm snack sized lol.
A big white tiger. Tigers are my favorite animals and I would love to be one if I had that superpower :P
I could chase down nearly every animal that steps in my eye-sight and it would be pretty nice to be that agile and fabulous as a Bengal tiger is.
I would want to be an eagle because they soar high up in the sky and have the most incredible eyesight. They are able to spot small creatures and swoop in for the kill from very high up.