I was curious to see how many hours a week you work out?

I'm around eleven hours a week. Depends on work, I usually do four hours of cardio a week and the rest is lifting and such.
I hit 14 hours a week. I go running for an hour in the morning and then do weights and cardio again later in the night time.
I probably average 10 hours per week. I go to the gym when it's fairly empty, so I never have to wait for equipment. I'm able to get in and out quickly.
I don't do much cardio. I run around a lot from place to place so I don't think I need it much. I lift twice a week for about an hour. I know its not enough but I really am not in love with exercise . lmao

But when I do lift its pretty intense. Not a moment's break and constantly pumping iron.
I would love to hit some of the numbers I see posted above. Due to my life and busy schedule, I am lucky to get my workout in on my lunchbreak (around an hour). I often then also do another 35 minutes or so in the evening, but I probably come in around 8 hours total for the week.
I do only cardio and at max i work out for 45 minutes a day,and again working out the math it amounts to 6 hrs a week.I play badminton too,so i don't feel the need for treadmill or a jog..:D
That is suffice to keep myself in a good fit.
I would love to hit some of the numbers I see posted above. Due to my life and busy schedule, I am lucky to get my workout in on my lunchbreak (around an hour). I often then also do another 35 minutes or so in the evening, but I probably come in around 8 hours total for the week.

I've trained a lot of friends and I can't remember how many times I've heard "I don't have the time." When I hear it, I ask them all the same thing: How badly do you want it? If you really want to be in shape, you'll set your alarm to wake you up earlier than normal. I used to wake up every morning at 6 just to work out before class and then work. If you don't want to workout in the morning, there are plenty of 24-hour gyms that you can go to after work.

That wasn't directed towards you, by the way. It was more of a general rant that came to mind after reading your post. It's great that you're exercising during your lunch break and then again after work.
Personally, I exercise for a total of ~8 hours. Of which I spend 2 hours running, and the other 6 lifting, sparring and etc. I'm not really that athletic, I guess.