I LOVE the dumbest criminals stories


I have seen every episode of the show, read them online, and listen to Bob and Tom in the Morning tell them. I really can't get enough. Does anyone know any good ones you'd like to share?
I remember a long time a go about this show kinda like the one your talking about. These cops were telling their craziest and funniest stories. This one cop said he had to chase a guy on foot. This lead the cop to this house the lady there allowed the cop to search the house. Long story short the cop was sure this guy was somewhere in the house he ended up looking in a freezer. There he was inside the freezer freezing his a$$ off. The cop ask what are you doing? The guy said just chilling. I loved it;) I just died laughing at this story. I could just see that play out in my head.
I have seen every episode of the show, read them online, and listen to Bob and Tom in the Morning tell them. I really can't get enough. Does anyone know any good ones you'd like to share?

I just read a story about a burglar who broke into a house and whilst at it, decided that he should check out what was happening on FB. Could be he updated his status but when he left, he left his Facebook page open. I'm sure the cops made an easy arrest once they ID'ed the man.

There's these other criminals who used a donkey as their get-away animal. They stole food and rum from a convenience store but once they'd loaded what they'd stolen on the donkey, the animal started braying, forcing the criminals to flee. I don't know if they were arrested though.
I've never seen the show, but I have heard some tales. One decided to have a nap and fell asleep another took a taxi there and back (and called to book) and another decided to cook a meal and left his DNA there. Another one was when the robber got stuck in the window trying to get out.
I just read a story about a burglar who broke into a house and whilst at it, decided that he should check out what was happening on FB. Could be he updated his status but when he left, he left his Facebook page open. I'm sure the cops made an easy arrest once they ID'ed the man.

There's there these other criminals who used a donkey as their get-away animal. They stole food and rum from a convenience store but once they'd loaded what they'd stolen on the donkey, the animal started braying, forcing the criminals to flee. I don't know if they were arrested though.

It seems you are hearing more and more about people getting caught because of doing dumb things like this, or posting a selfie of them committing the crime. I bet police are loving it!! Lol
Was i the only one who read it as it was spelt up there "dumbest criminal stories." :P
If you can let me know what this is all about,maybe i too can get a look in.
Is this a serial or a show hosted by someone who talks about dumb criminals.?
It seems you are hearing more and more about people getting caught because of doing dumb things like this, or posting a selfie of them committing the crime. I bet police are loving it!! Lol

I'm sure dumb criminals make police work a lot easier. But it's such criminals who are more dangerous because they are more likely to do something stupid that would put the lives of many people at risk. The less of such people we have walking around [free], the safer our communities are.
I'm sure dumb criminals make police work a lot easier. But it's such criminals who are more dangerous because they are more likely to do something stupid that would put the lives of many people at risk. The less of such people we have walking around [free], the safer our communities are.
Second that,but i just have a point to add.Often their act of an imbecile can easily be identified before any harm can be done to the public.
The problem is we cannot think in their terms and therefore catching them too might be difficult.We might have put up the toughest of plans but they trick us in the eye with a stupid way.
I haven't seen it in a long time. I'm not even sure which station covers it, but might have to check into it again. I do love watching Cops Reloaded, which does have some similarly-themed episodes, as well as some with extra action and/or violence. There are definitely some unintelligent criminals running around, and it's nice to see some amusement relating to law enforcement and criminal activity, rather than the horror and sadness that's often in the news nowadays.
I've never seen the show, but I have heard some tales. One decided to have a nap and fell asleep another took a taxi there and back (and called to book) and another decided to cook a meal and left his DNA there. Another one was when the robber got stuck in the window trying to get out.
You should check out the show. I think I may have seen it on Hulu, and not Hulu plus either
The problem is individuals think that if they don't have any indication and they can't get a job that crime is the simplest solution. But realistically being a criminal requires more education than any other career to be honest with you. Individuals don't understand how much preparation goes into actually committing a successful crime. That's exactly why the jail system is full of dummies.
I vaguely remember a World’s Dumbest Criminals show, and it was pretty entertaining. Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure there was a similar site that was super popular in my high school keyboarding class. I’ve found it again and I’m browsing through it now. I’m particularly fond of the story about the lawyer whose bag of marijuana fell out of his pocket while he was in the courtroom. And then he tried to blame it on his client’s kid. Hahaha, sure.
This show is definitely up my street! However, I've not seen much of it. One story that sticks in my mind is that of the burglar who collected "his loot" but then decided to wine and dine on the fine contents of the victims' fridge. The poor sod gorged himself and had a few too many glasses of wine to the point where he fell into a drunken stupor/heavy sleep LOL The family returned to find him comfortably snoring the place down, and no doubt drooling all over the place. Naturally, they promptly called the police, who were all too happy to relieve them of the pesky fool. You really couldn't make these stories up!
I quite like these shows too - some of the things they get up to are beyond stupidity and you really have to wonder what on earth possessed them!
I haven't seen this show in a long time, but I do remember one episode when the guy tried to get away using the laundry shoot and got stuck, I am pretty sure it was in this show, or at least it was a show like this. Just goes to show you that when running from the Cops, there is no time to think, might as well just turn yourself in.
I haven't seen this show in a long time, but I do remember one episode when the guy tried to get away using the laundry shoot and got stuck, I am pretty sure it was in this show, or at least it was a show like this. Just goes to show you that when running from the Cops, there is no time to think, might as well just turn yourself in.
I love it,just got an insight into one of those dumbest stories,The thief had accidentally left his cellphone in the home he just allegedly robbed and he called back to it and asked o return it,in return got arrested for his dumbness.
Many others too are worth a laugh,but this one tops charts.