How many hours do you guys have to work every day?


Well-Known Member
I am always wondering that how many hours a police has to work every day, because it seems they need to work for a long time every day. Also, do they have a Christmas break as we do??
Officers in most areas work twelve hour shifts, and no they do not get holidays off. You may serve on the police force for years and years before you actually get a holiday off. The holidays are some of the busiest days for police officers and law enforcement.
Yes, most officers work 12 hours a day. I think that is pushing it a little, especially if they work in a high-crime area. The last thing you would want is an exhausted officer, if you are in need of rescuing. Crime doesn't stop for the holidays, so I don't think any of them get it off. They probably look for volunteers on Christmas day, especially people who don't have kids. Maybe the shifts are shorter. This is what is done in other jobs/businesses that don't shut down for the holidays.