How good of shape am I expected to be in on the first day of the Academy?

The Academy has time dedicated to physical conditioning and it will be very strenuous. It is very important to be in shape before you get there. It will make this portion of the Academy less stressful.
Agreed start working out and getting fit before. I'm sure they won't go nuts on you in the beginning but eventually it will get difficult.
As soon as you enter the academy you must be fit, start preparation before or else when you enter it will be very painful.
Like the previous users said before get started on your physical fitness before you enter the police academy. Eating great healthy foods before you go and exercise.
What kind of shape you are in shows how seriously you are taking the whole process in my opinion, so the best shape possible is the best answer.
Anyway , ideally you are expected to be at your best of shape on the first day of training but personally i will not let advice you to let this bother you much the fact of the matter is even if your fitness level is not so high being a bit above average is not a bad idea.