How frustrated do you get?


Well-Known Member
How annoyed (if at all) do you get when you see someone breaking the law and nothing being done about it? The most common crime walking down my street seems to be making calls on the mobile whilst driving and I have to say it annoys me so much because what is the point of having the law if it never gets enforced? I know budgets are tight etc but I have never once seen anyone be pulled over for this!
How irritated do you get when you see people braking the law and what law is it?
It depends on the crime. If it's not hurting anyone, I don't see it as a crime. Texting and driving, on the other hand, has the potential to hurt many.. and take lives, so I would take a picture and report because this act disgusts me immensely.
Jumping the signal..I get irritated for the wrong reason though.:p,i feel frustrated that he/she is able to jump the signal but i am not..:P Lol..:P
i often get stuck behind in the signals.
I don't get pissed of at specific laws, but rather at all the things that are illegal and not being punished. It makes me mad for a while but I cool down and remember that karma will get that person at some point.
It really depends on the crime but I do get really annoyed when I see people using their phones whilst driving.Do they think the law doesn't apply to them or something? There is a valid reason why this law is in place and that is to prevent RTAs and unnecessary deaths.
So much agreement with texting and driving. Some of my friends used to do it… but I’m no longer friends with those people for various reasons. So I don’t see it as often as I used to, but it’s still so dangerous. I don’t think some people realize how many lives they put in danger when they do it.
Of course, I do get annoyed and frustrated because I am following the rules and the law, but others don't even care about those policies. I mean, how can a society/community improve if the citizens aren't cooperating?
I also hate seeing so many people texting and talking on the phone while driving, yet they don't seem to get in trouble for it. Whatever happened to waiting until you get to wherever you're going, or using the hand free?! I also hate when some women boast about having got caught drink driving and all they had to do was bat their eyes, flash the officer or flirt with them to get let off! I wouldn't dream of bragging about something like that, it's just shameful!
I also hate seeing so many people texting and talking on the phone while driving, yet they don't seem to get in trouble for it. Whatever happened to waiting until you get to wherever you're going, or using the hand free?! I also hate when some women boast about having got caught drink driving and all they had to do was bat their eyes, flash the officer or flirt with them to get let off! I wouldn't dream of bragging about something like that, it's just shameful!
The second one though,i agree 100%.
It is irritating to note the partiality imparted to them.I would sometimes feel so enraged that i would want to go down and slap those people hard.Such hateful arses.
I was once told that if I ever found myself in that situation (not that I would, I drink seldom and I never drive when I’ve had even one drink), or if I got pulled over for speeding, that I SHOULD resort to those tactics because I could totally get away with it. I probably made some half-hearted comment against it, but I should have been more vehement and told him straight up, “Um, dude, not only is that NOT a compliment, that’s not something I would ever be proud to do.â€
Definitely texting and driving! Actually any distractions while driving are bad, but I think this is one of the worst.
Depending on the crime of course. But I am so irritated when people jaywalk. I mean, clearly they can see the road is dangerous but still they cross!
It's frustrating to see the texting and driving, but it also shows the flagrant disregard for others. since law enforcement can't be everywhere to enforce the law, they rely and expect people to obey these written and posted laws. And the problem is there's too many people that don't feel the same way.
I also hate when some women boast about having got caught drink driving and all they had to do was bat their eyes, flash the officer or flirt with them to get let off! I wouldn't dream of bragging about something like that, it's just shameful!

This is wrong. If an officer does this they are crooked no matter what. There are double standards out there that are against women but there are also ones that favor them. I am against both. Women are more likely to be let off lightly for a crime than a guy as well. Makes me wonder what these people are thinking when the chick is batting they eyes at them. It's not like letting them off scott-free is going to get them in bed.

Depending on the crime of course. But I am so irritated when people jaywalk. I mean, clearly they can see the road is dangerous but still they cross!

This is my biggest pet peeve when I am driving. Especially since the city that I live in has crosswalks that stop traffic in between street intersections. I've even seen someone jaywalk 10 ft away and I'm thinking to myself, "Really?? You are that freakin' lazy that you can't walk an extra 10 ft there and 10 ft back to get to where you want to go safely?

And don't even get me started on people jaywalking at night with dark/non-reflective clothing. Almost makes me wish they'd get hit by a drunk driver so we'd kill two birds with one stone.
Really frustrated. I am a stickler for rules. Ever since I was a child, my parents taught me to always follow rules. Contrary to popular belief, rules are not made to be broken. They are made to be obeyed to preserve order in a community. So, when I see someone breaking a rule or a law (for instance, throwing garbage where he or she is not supposed to), I always have this urge to approach him and tell him not to. However, since I do not like confrontations, I just look at the person coldly to let him or her know that what he or she is doing is wrong.
Littering, that’s another pet peeve of mine as well. I’m not particularly confrontational either but I’ve given people my share of dirty looks for that over the years. Most of the time it isn’t that difficult to find a trash can, or wait until there’s one available. It’s especially baffling when there IS a trash can nearby. Couldn’t take the extra few steps? Kind of like the jaywalking when there’s a crosswalk ten feet away thing.
I am glad that I ma not the only one disgusted by this, it really annoys me as it is so dangerous and nobody seems to give a dam! If they were speeding then they would not stand a chance, they would be taken down in a second. But because they are not speeding they seem to be left alone even though they are still being really dangerous
That bugs me too, on Saturday this teenager was with his mum in the town centre where I live and he dropped some litter and she immediately told him to pick it up and then slapped him round the back of his head for littering! Made me laugh so much. Ahh thanks for clearing that up, for years I have thought it was "jadewaking!" duh! I live in the UK so that's not really a term we use here. Yes that must be annoying particularly when you are driving!
I just threw my phone down,a couple of hrs back.Thank goodness it was gorilla glass.It was because a fella in office had sent across a report from my ID,wrongly,with every other data wrong to the managing director.
I knew i over reacted,by throwing my phone in frustration,but that was the only thing in the vicinity and the one that was easy to express anger on.Don't know why i even did it.