How do you handle student protests?


Well-Known Member
I graduated from a university where in student protests are very common. I would always see videos of police officers handling students roughly. Dragging them to police mobiles, etc. How should officers handle situations like these? What are the SOPs?
Keeping calm and letting the tide down is the best way around this because,you don't want it becoming a tsunami right..? You can curb them and restrain them from doing anything illegal,but you just can't stop them in their movements.Peace talks are the way out,because students are sensitive and thy might take things differently.
Keeping calm and letting the tide down is the best way around this because,you don't want it becoming a tsunami right..? You can curb them and restrain them from doing anything illegal,but you just can't stop them in their movements.Peace talks are the way out,because students are sensitive and thy might take things differently.
Indeed, once you give protesters what they want, they will cease the protesting. It's that simple.
Here's a picture of how student protests look like in my country. I got this from

I can imagine it's a tense situation from both sides, but especially on the law enforcement's side. They're there to "rain on the parade" and some people might not take lightly to that, making them the target.
Violent protesters should be apprehended as they are the ones that starts mayhem in a protest. And then again protests in public places as I recall in my place needs a legal permit just so you can host a protest. If they dont have those then the protest is illegal and violent protestors will be apprehended.. Then again always implement maximum tolerance.
Keeping calm and letting the tide down is the best way around this because,you don't want it becoming a tsunami right..? You can curb them and restrain them from doing anything illegal,but you just can't stop them in their movements.Peace talks are the way out,because students are sensitive and thy might take things differently.
I agree. The best thing to do is to keep calm in order to deal with the protesters. The more upset you get, the more the protesters will get upset. That would lead to potential danger and nothing will be accomplished. Students will respond better to talking if it is peaceful as opposed to blowing up at them.
I would say that it would have to be calm. Unless the students are throwing items or objects that are dangerous (bricks, things on fire) then police should not use any force at all and just make sure that the protesters are only doing a demonstration and not interfering with anything. It is disgraceful if you are to use force just because you think you can. It also send a terribly negative message to the youth that the law does not care for your opinion.