How do you deal with stress?

When i'm stressed out i make myself a cup of coffee and watch t.v. If that doesn't work i go out for a jog. Usually that does it.

Yeah, jogging really does refresh your mind. The wind blowing into your face and the world speeding by does make you seem relaxed, like nothing does really matter anymore and you forget about your troubles within minutes.
I think taking a walk down the street where I live is how I could relieve my stress. I watch Youtube videos to also relieve my stress which that works.
I have many methods that I use to relive stress, such as exercising, listening to some good music, hanging out with friends, getting a massage, taking a vacation. What really helps me though, is playing some video games where I'm shooting something, or a game like GTA V that makes me laugh a lot.
If I am very stressed about something I like talking about it. I even talk to strangers about what is bothering me so that I can see it through their eyes. I share about what is bothering me with other users of a social media platform where I am a member until the problem looks so tiny and I am free of stress. Stress becomes enormous when you keep it bottled up.
I deal with stress different ways depending on how bad it is. I normally just listen to music if I'm not stressed out to bad. I also go walking to clear mind mind. My favorite stress reliever is relaxing in a candle light bubble bath. It is so relaxing to me.
When I am really stressed, I shut my mind down. I just listen to music and sit still. My parents have gotten used to this, so they don't pay much attention to me when I suddenly become quiet. I love them for it.
You take a deep breath and remember why you're doing whatever it is that is stressing you out. If it can't be changed, remind yourself of that and tell yourself stress only adds to the problem and makes matters worse. If it can't be changed, you grab a hold of yourself and think rationally about how you can come out the other side. There is always a way out.. even if you think those ways are impossible. If you truly believe it though, the best thing you can do is be mindful of the moment and make the best of it.. to either better the situation or better yourself.
The best way I know how to deal with stress, is to relax as much as I possibly can. My days off I like to make sure that I make it very comfortable for myself. I run a long bath soak all my troubles away. I don't have any problems with pampering myself are trying to make myself feel better. I think when individuals don't pay attention to their own happiness they become stressed.