Homophobic police officers suspended

I honestly think they deserve to be fired. Police should be at the forefront promoting cohesion among the different nationalities and religions. Their conduct paints a negative image to the police force and for the force to redeem itself, they should fire them.
I fully agree with this. They cannot do a good job and their jobs should be given to someone else who can. They are completely destroying the trust the community has with law enforcement.
Wow, law enforcers being brought to justice! That's a rarity but I'm glad it's happened. The Department is there to protect and serve ALL of the community, not just the straight white members. There are certain to be gay and black members of the Department too and it's unacceptable to force them to work with people who make their bigoted opinions knows like this.
That's good to know that they have already been fired. Imagine having to deal with those kinds of cops, you wouldn't even know if they are sincerely helping/protecting you, or right inside their minds, they are already insulting your race, color, and religion.
I'm quite curious why they wouldn't release the text messages. That makes no sense. You want to claim a department is an open & honest one but are not willing to release texts you are claiming are homophobic & racist? Something is missing here. Maybe the texts incriminate the entire department.
While it's great that racist police officers are going to be fired, this doesn't address the problem which needs to be fixed. These police officers provided proof that racism is entrenched in the police force. What they should be doing in addition to firing racist cops is [to] work on changing the existing attitudes . . . on race, racism, etc.

But will racism ever die out? I doubt it.