Holiday Travel


Well-Known Member
Can you still afford to travel for the holidays? Once upon a time I went back to visit my parents on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but that is no longer possible. I can't afford the time off let alone the bus ticket on top of missing work days. It has been quite a long time now since I have visited my parents where they live. Now they have to come down here to see me because I am to poor to travel.
I feel extremely lucky and blessed that both my parents and my in-laws are very close by, so we can easily travel to be with them on the holidays.
If they were to live further away, I'm not sure if I would have the capability of traveling, it would depend on the distance.
I hate to travel long distances because usually I wind up driving because it is cheaper than flying in the long run. I would hate to even try traveling on or near the holidays because of the volume of traffic alone. Holidays are bad enough most times with families being together. There will always be fights and doing that in a car sucks.
I can't afford to fly, but I can afford to take the bus to see my boyfriend and his family. He lives 5 hours away. It costs me around $25 each way. It's way cheaper than $120 each way. The only downside is that it takes twice as long. The bus also has a program that if I take 8 rides then the next is free. I am looking to cash that one when I see him this fall.
Not really flying to exotic faraway destinations, but I try to take road trips every year. It's important to discover new places and learn new experiences while you're at it.
I have moved from Philadelphia to Arizona and have not been able to see my family in 5 years. I missed my mother & grandfathers funeral because of it. The economic climate in Arizona is not great at all right now and it really sucks. I hope things get better. I literally have a handful of nieces and nephews that I have never met.
I work seasonally so I'm usually off during the holiday season. Even though I'm free I can usually only go home for the one of the two major holidays. Last year it was Christmas so I guess this year I'll be home for Thanksgiving. Airfare is so expensive and bus tickets are almost just as bad. I'd like to be able to go for the whole holiday season, but my empty pockets won't allow it.
In the last years I've been able to travel inside my country, I can't afford to go abroad though with my wage...
Traveling over the holiday seasons is very stressful. In the past I have been traveling to the village to visit with my parents. I remember the last time I was there they had issues they had to take care of. I ended up spending Christmas on my own cleaning windows and doing other chores. The only company I had was the sheep grazing in the compound. I am not traveling this season.