Hit and run on a cyclist


Well-Known Member
This story has been hitting the headlines how a mother knocked over a 17 year old cyclist, got out to tell him she couldn't stop to help him as her children would be late for school and the sight of blood would upset them. He has extensive facial injuries. There is some good, Halfords a national bicycle chain has offered to fix his bike for free.

Sheffield Teen Cyclist Taron Stead Hit By Car Told 'Sorry, I Can't Stop, It'd Upset My Kids'

There are calls for people to come forward if they know who she is and also for her to hand herself in. Hardly responsible or moral. The victim's mother posted his injuries online to appeal for people to help find who did this. She should be punished.
Holy shit, I'm sure what she said were pure excuses to get the hell out of dodge, but still! What a horrible human being, does she feel no remorse after hitting another human being with a 1 ton metal weapon? I, myself, couldn't live with that guilt. What if he had suffered internal injuries and every second counted? I'd feel the compelling need to take him to a hospital immediately!
I am sure that the thought that their mom will just run away from problems will hurt them much more than the sight of blood. Those kids would probably been scared, yes, but they could have also seen their mom as a hero who helped out this young man. She should definitely be punished for this if she is found, but I'm not quite sure I agree with the witch hunt that is going on to find her. People seem to get all up in arms over everything these days. Sure, it is a job for the local police department, but I don't think its something that people from all across the country/world should chime in on.
Sadly hit and run situations are very common and I don't get why people do this. If I had an accident the first thing I'd do would be to stop and see if I could help the person.
I am sure that the thought that their mom will just run away from problems will hurt them much more than the sight of blood. Those kids would probably been scared, yes, but they could have also seen their mom as a hero who helped out this young man. She should definitely be punished for this if she is found, but I'm not quite sure I agree with the witch hunt that is going on to find her. People seem to get all up in arms over everything these days. Sure, it is a job for the local police department, but I don't think its something that people from all across the country/world should chime in on.

It's not so much a witch hunt, but if people don't step forward and take responsibility then people will think her actions were acceptable and they are not. It is a criminal offense to leave the scene of a crime and causing bodily harm to someone is a criminal offense too. The fact is the victim is a child himself (under 18 is a minor) so she may have turned herself in as am sure her children mentioned it to their friends or teachers and wants to keep it quiet out of shame.
That is crazy, she said, she did not have time because her kids would be late for school, yet she had time to get out of the car and tell him this nonsense, she should be arrested for her ignorance, she could have at least called an ambulance for the guy.
I read this article as well and it is purely sickening. In my opinion it is nothing short of an excuse to shirk personal responsibility, she should receive additional charges for fleeing the scene of the crime.
Holy shit..What she told was just a lame excuse.We cannot pardon her for such a lame excuse.How did she have the time to get out the car and tell this nonsense.She should be jailed for sure.I am pretty sure she has to be,for this.
If she was so concerned about her children being upset by the sight of blood the right thing to do would have been to drive a little way off, call 911 and wait for the paramedics and cops. That's making the assumption that she couldn't anything to help the kid she'd hit.
Apparently it gets worse, a man was driving and the woman was the passenger who got out. So there were two responsible adults involved who left an injured child by the road that they were responsible for. They have not made it clear whether she was the mother now, but they could have been dong a school run, since this has emerged. They should have called 999 here, but it seems they were afraid, so they must have been doing something wrong.
Sadly hit and run situations are very common and I don't get why people do this. If I had an accident the first thing I'd do would be to stop and see if I could help the person.

100% correct. I wish it were a more surprising situation but it's a daily thing where I am in the states. It just seems like people have no sense of what's right anymore. This was a recent story that made me sickeningly sad to hear & see on video:
[h=1]Pregnant Woman Killed By Hit-And-Run Driver In Englewood[/h]