Hey from New York.


Active Member
Hi everybody! My name is Dana. I'm a 20 year old chronically ill college student from smack dab in the middle of New York. I'm from Southern New York originally but I'm going to college in the middle of the state. I'm very excited to start writing and talking with everybody on here!
Hello and welcome to the community! Glad to have you aboard and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'm looking forward to your interacting with the rest of the members. once again welcome aboard.
Welcome to the community! We hope to have you posting around some more, so here's some police humor to get you started!

Welcome New York!

So far my time here has been well spent & the community here is all very friendly, I'm sure you will fit right in. There is a wide variety of topics here so you should not get bored. Hope to see you in the forums!

Again, welcome to the group.