Hello!I just signed up


Well-Known Member

I am new to this forum.
I grew up in a family who often had several guns at home, and only inside our home. I often have a liberal attitude towards most political issues; however, I believe in law and order. If we do not have laws then we will have lawlessness which has happened in my hometown which is a large urban city.
Hello and welcome to the site, we have plenty of seasoned officers to answer your questions and concerns. Hope to hear from you soon.
Welcome to the site. Law and Order seems to be slipping away especially in city areas. I would move away from the city area as soon as you have a chance
Hello "Allison2021" hope you feel well. Welcome to the Forum and thank you for join. Now you're part of the community and you will be always. I hope that you feel comfortable here and ask those things that you don't understand.

You can contact me whenever you want and remember that together we can make grow this forum, if we wish it. Good day to you.
Hello Allison20211! Glad to have you aboard. I hope you gain valuable knowledge concerning Law Enforcement officers. And I'm looking forward to your contributions to the community.
Hi Allison. Welcome to the forum. I understand your plight about living in an urban city. I grew up in one too where crime is practically second nature. I hope you enjoy yourself in the forum.
helo Allison..
Extending a warm welcome on behalf of all the members here.:D
I am sure you are going to love it in here,because all our contents meet your interest and we also hope you can add more value to our forum.:D
Have a great stay here and make yourself comfortable with all the members.
Welcome to the forum. This is a great place to read about news all over the US. It is also a great place to get advice from police with any situation that you may have. I look forward to reading your post.
Welcome to the forum! You sound as if you have plenty of opinions. This is a great place for sharing them and asking others on theirs! Enjoy the forum :)
Hello and welcome aboard and it is really nice to have you in here.You really have a lot to offer and i would say you are a great asset,and i did concur on this after looking through some of your posts.
Add more value to our forum and have a great time here.