Have you witnessed a crime happening yet?


Well-Known Member
I grew up in a neighborhood were thugs and bullies are common. When I was young I witnessed a crime happening with my own two eyes. A gang riot between two gang factions started and one person was being stabbed by another. I was frozen still were I was standing and I remember I was shaking with horror as I saw the young boy on the floor soaked with blood. Police arrived later followed by the ambulance and carried the boy, who I think was already dead. Everything happened so fast. Up to this day I learned a valuable lesson and that is to never associate your self with the wrong people.
Yes, I have. I saw someone's bag get snatched by two men riding a bicycle. This modus is very common in my country. This is the reason why I am always wary of people riding bicycles or motorcycles.
I don't think I've seen a major crime and I hope that I won't witness one. Though I am super alert when I'm in the city, because I've watched some bad videos (thanks Internet).
I think I might have seen pickpockets attempting to strike in crowded areas before, but as for more violent crimes, no. I feel pretty lucky that my neighbourhood is relatively safe! It is definitely a challenge growing up in less sheltered areas.
I witnessed suspected drug activity at a neighbors house. They had cars coming and going from that house all the time, not usually staying very long. I don't know if it turned out to be actual drug trafficking or what but we reported out observations to the police with all the information we could gather.
I have witnessed a crime happen, but I was in no position to get help or scream for help, I watched masked men chop somebody up into pieces, nothing I would ever want to see again.
Wow, nope, I haven't. Some of these are intense though. I saw a prostitute get arrested yesterday? Haha, that's about the extent of that.
I was at a store that got robbed once. I was just coming in to pay for my gas when a guy pushed past me waving a gun in my face. He didn't rob me, but having a gun in your face freaks you out. I felt bad for the clerk. He had smacked her around while getting the money. I think we were all lucky he didn't shoot anyone though.
I have never seen a crime happen in progress in my life. I have never been the victim of a crime. I hope to not be a victim or a witness to a crime.
I have never seen a crime happening in my life. Though my mom got to be present during a hold up in a neighborhood department store.
I haven't seen the crime take place, but two incidents happened near my house. A guy was killed in front of my house. It happened late at night. One of my neighbors was murdered in his house and he lived two houses away from me.
I was lucky enough that I never saw anyone die in front of my own two eyes. I am really grateful for it, as I heard it can really mess up the human mind.

I did HEAR someone die. There were some builders making a roof on the block of flats right in front of us. There was a 15 year old guy who only got up there because he wanted to "work" with his uncle. We kept talking that he'll trip and fall. In the end, he fell. I was watching TV, and I remember I heard a HUGE BOOM as his body hit the concrete. He died instantly.

We were all heartbroken, even though we didn't know jack shit about the young man that died.
I'm currently in Pakistan so yes, a lot! Recently I was traveling between states and saw a bunch of police vehicles set on fire along the highway. A few miles away tear gas was being thrown at protestants and we were stuck in the same spot for hours. Horrific times.
I was once accompanying a friend to get her "food stamps" (if anyone knows what they were, before EBT) and the place we got them from, in Philadelphia, was robbed my men with automatic weapons. There was a standoff for about 3 hours and it was resolved without any real violence, but damn, it was scary.