Have You Ever Seen Someone Do Something Incredibly Stupid In Front Of A Cop?


Active Member
I used to drive for a flower shop and was on the roads around town all the time. I wasn't exactly on the road when I saw this, though. I was loading the van and noticed a police car sitting at the corner of an intersection right by the shop. I knew he was sitting there waiting for a funeral procession because it was something I saw all the time and there is a funeral home just up the street from there.
So while I'm loading the van and the policeman is sitting there a man in an old, ragged out truck drives slowly through the intersection blatantly running a red light. He noticed the police car and then decided to put the truck in reverse and back up through the intersection while the light is still red. Almost as soon as he'd backed back up to where he would have been if he'd stopped like he should have in the first place, the light turned green and he pulled out again. This time the policeman, visibly shaking his head, pulled out behind him with his blue lights flashing.
That policeman already had a job to do and I just know that if the guy hadn't backed up like he did he would have gotten away with running that light the first time.
It isn't stupid but yeah lemme narrate the instance to you.
A hot gal was driving a Vento and i reckon she was speeding.A cop caught her and asked her to pay the fine ..and this girl kissed the cop in front of the public..In return..all she got was a big slap.
Does that count as stupid..??

Well after reading it over again...yeah..it was stupid..:P
Yes I certainly have. I live close to a college town so I see crazy things all the time. One time I saw a police officer talking to someone, and a kid came right behind the police officer and started taking a piss then taps the police office to show him. Crazy, why would you do that.
I saw a guy go berserk once when he caught a cop writing him a parking ticket. Started cursing and everything. Cop asked the guy to calm down and lower his voice. Guy said someone is going to teach you a lesson because everyone hates you around here. I thought the guy was going to throw a punch for sure. But the cop took the higher road and just posted the ticket on the windshield and said sarcastically "Have a nice day." :)
That was dumb, people do the craziest things, and traffic violations are probably at the top of the list, violation that could be easily avoided with using just half a brain.
The most stupid thing that I ever saw was two gentlemen starting a fight right in-front of cops. I just couldn't stand staying near them so I moved further. They were just from a bar, so I could understand they were drunk and maybe weren't aware of their surroundings.
Yeah, my mother suddenly gets on panic mode whenever she sees a cop while driving. She got her driver's license this year so she's still new to driving and she kinda sucks at it. Anyways, one time, we were at an intersection and she stops the engine right when driving through it. At this time, a police car goes right by her, but the police officer didn't do jack shit but look at her with an amazed/shocked look.
I've done that myself, I was drinking and decided to walk over a car (literally), I didn't saw the cop, but he saw me lol, so he took me to the police station...
OH! I have a doozy of a story for this one. I used to work at a transitional housing facility for homeless persons with mental illness. Now, my people were medicated and well on their way to recovery, but that does not mean all the people outside the building were so lucky. I had the privilege of working the graveyard shift for quite a spell. One evening I came in and walked outside to have a smoke with the lady working the building next door to mine. Two police officers were trying to subdue a rowdy drunk. All of our residents were shaking their heads and laughing because we knew who he was. Next thing we know, this dude drops his pants in the middle of the street and proceeds to poo in front of a driving car as it slams on it's breaks. He then wipes with his hands throws it at the police officers and tells them to come get some. At that point the officers walked away and our rowdy drunk settled into a doorway to sleep it off.
I don't want to make my mom look like a bad person, but yeah, it was mom. She passed a car in a 55 mph zone, doing about 70. It happened to be an unmarked cop car. My sister and I didn't have seatbelts on. Suddenly we see lights flashing in the grill. I look back in the back window and the driver is motioning to pull over. The funny ending to this is that the officer told my mom he wouldn't arrest her (even though she didn't have a license), and suggested she go home. She decided to go on, and somehow didn't get in further trouble.
I've seen people zigzag through traffic when they should have known there would be cops out at that time of day. I guess that's not really that stupid, just not a wise thing to do ever, and definitely not on a stretch of road that is heavily patroled.
What law states that "you will be arrested for not have a drivers license?" I would like to see that code. The right to travel is a constitutional right, but most people don't know their rights, and if you don't know your rights then you don't have any rights, and your rights will be violated for sure.
I saw guy whip out his thing and start peeing in front of cops before. It was actually really funny, and I'm not too sure if he knew they were right next to him. I think it was more of a case of a person not being aware of their surrounding more than anything. That didn't make it any less funny.
What law states that "you will be arrested for not have a drivers license?" I would like to see that code. The right to travel is a constitutional right, but most people don't know their rights, and if you don't know your rights then you don't have any rights, and your rights will be violated for sure.

This is from the Ohio revised code. This is a direct quote from ORC 4507.02.A.1

"(1) No person shall permit the operation of a motor vehicle upon any public or private property used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel or parking knowing the operator does not have a valid driver's license issued to the operator by the registrar of motor vehicles under this chapter or a valid commercial driver's license issued under Chapter 4506. of the Revised Code. Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates this division is guilty of an unclassified misdemeanor. When the offense is an unclassified misdemeanor, the offender shall be sentenced pursuant to sections 2929.21 to 2929.28 of the Revised Code, except that the offender shall not be sentenced to a jail term; the offender shall not be sentenced to a community residential sanction pursuant to section 2929.26 of the Revised Code; notwithstanding division (A)(2)(a) of section 2929.28 of the Revised Code, the offender may be fined up to one thousand dollars; and, notwithstanding division (A)(3) of section 2929.27 of the Revised Code, the offender may be ordered pursuant to division (C) of that section to serve a term of community service of up to five hundred hours. The failure of an offender to complete a term of community service imposed by the court may be punished as indirect criminal contempt under division (A) of section 2705.07 of the Revised Code that may be filed in the underlying case."

The bill of rights does not explicitly list the right to travel by motorized vehicle. They didn't exist back then. Everyone is free to bike or hoof it if they please.
We went to a bar on the square years ago, and when we came out, my friend peed right on the courthouse lawn. The Sheriff's office was on the other side, and saw him doing it. The officer yelled across the block, nearly making him pee on himself. They arrested him and he was charged with indecent exposure, which looked like something else when it was read in the paper.
Not that I can recall....

However my friend saw something really funny at this intersection. It was a yellow light and this person was going slow, so they sped up to make it, they went during the yellow light but during the turn it turned red. So they reversed back into the lane in the middle of the intersection to go back.

Personally I would've kept going, but once she did the reverse thing, I am pretty sure the cop had to tag her.
How about the guy that was making a video to send in to Ellen, dancing behind a Police Man and there was a Police Man in the van watching it. They weren't happy. It was kind of disrespectful.
Well I seen plenty of fights that broke out in front of Cops. My 2nd High school was for kids with special needs (I have a sleeping disorder which at the time prevented me from attending class either part of the day or the full day) and there were a lot of Fights that broke out. The school couldn't afford proper security so an arrangement was made for a cop to be there if they weren't otherwise responding to a call. At first it was a big deterrent but as kids got more used to him being there his calming effect dissipated until it returned to being a couple fights a day in a school of only about 80.
Where I live, we do not encounter the cops vvery muuch. They are just there , but not many people see them. It may be because that we do not have a very lively crime region over here. I think it is quite obvious that I have not done anything stupid.
I have seen someone who was under arrest refuse to walk to the police car. He was rude and kept insulting the police. The policeman called for backup and they literally carried him to the patrol car. I am sure that they added resisting arrest to his other charges. One can never go wrong by being polite. I am sure that he regretted his behavior when he got sober.