Have you ever broken the law?


Well-Known Member
I did by accident. I accidently shop lifted. And when I say accident, I do mean accident. I accidently walked out of the store with a comb in my hand that was on the counter at the register. I ran in and gave it back. The clerk still yelled at me though.
I was at the drug store and refused to get a cart because I did not want to spend that much money. I was juggling everything and had a lipstick in my hand. I put my hand in my pocket to grab something.. probably the keys for the little rewards card on the key chain. When I got home, I realized I stole a $6 tube of lipstick. I went back the next day, had them ring me up and told them why. the register girl thought I was nuts.
I stole food when I was a kid, so that my brother and I could eat. My parents didn't really have time for that, so I did what I had to do.
Many a times and sometimes just for the sake of doing it and to get the thrill..Ahh..mine have all been about speeding and not wearing helmet or something petty.I dare not do it on a major level lest i end up in jail.
I have never broken the law till now as far as I remember. I think it is not something that I would do or would prefer to do. I think it is always good to be on the good side of the law. I hope I would never face any problem while interacting with the law.*
Doubt that anyone would really answer truthfully if they committed any slightly serious crime. Personally I have not broken any law to my knowledge.
I did not know I was breaking the law until two years later, but when I was 15, I was leaving for a music camp super early in the morning because I had a 6AM flight and it was Father's day. At like 3:45 AM I went to my grandmother's yard next door to ours and cut a rose for my dad because I would not be there for Father's day dinner later that day. A couple of years later I found out that I had violated curfew laws because I crossed my parent's property line alone at that hour. Silly technicality, and I'm sure no one would have gotten me in trouble for something like that, but yeah, it was technically illegal.
I thought about it and I'm pretty sure that I've never broken the law; well, unless you count speeding and running red lights (I have a tendency to do that). I have had the occasional thought about something I wanted and couldn't afford, but those thoughts aren't really taken seriously in my mind. It's more like a passing whim than anything.
I have been nabbed quite a number of times while drunk and disorderly.That was back in the day when i was still single,naive and with no sense of direction. Am glad i reformed and kicked out the habit.
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Yes, sadly I have. When I was young maybe 8 or 9 me and a neighbor went to the catholic school across from our house to play at the park. I guess while we were there you could say we got a little bit bored and decided to go around the school with stones and rip all the screens of the windows. We were so "into it" that we were late getting home for dinner and our parents came looking for us and there we were ripping all the screens of the school. My mother immediately put us in the car and drove us straight to the police station and made us confess to our mistakes then we were stuck doing 40 hours of community service for the school. What a frightening experience. I can look back now on it and laugh - but at the time I was scared.
I've not broken any serious laws but I've been drunk and disorderly. It was during new year's eve and I and my friends had had a lot to drink. We were making a lot of noise outside and causing this traffic commotion, luckily there were no cops around otherwise we would have been in serious trouble.
Although I am as pure as the driven snow now, I was a minor hell raiser as a teen and young adult. I got an OWI and misdemeanor drug charge, numerous driving without a license charges, and a few offenses for fighting. I am not trying to brag, because I don't believe it's right to break the law. If I had told my son what I am posting here he probably wouldn't believe it. I truly was a different person back then.
I have broken the law before and it was from bad influence, peer pressure, got arrested, but I am glad because my charges were dropped.
Yeah, I've broken the law before. I think most people have. Because for one thing, not all of the laws are realistic, and if we try to follow them all to the letter, we'll end up hurt in some way or dead.
Yeah, mostly traffic laws, namely parking and speeding, but less and less because the fines are high and I simply can't afford them.
Nothing major just a couple of traffic tickets and busted out a few factory windows when i was a child, which the Police caught up with us and gave a stern warning in which we never did ti again. And although the building was abandoned, we were still in the wrong.
We all break the law in some way, shape, or form. Maybe not every day but often enough. Speeding (even if its only 2 or 3 mph over the speed limit), underage drinking as rampant with the nations youth (and most of us probably had at least 1 drink before were 21), an expired parking meter, working an "under-the-table" job, and those are just modern laws. A lot of cities and states have their own weird laws from years and years ago that never got changed. Example, here in Pennsylvania its still illegal to sing in the shower, I've heard even crazier examples of this. I believe Kentucky has a law that it's illegal to kill a chicken with a bucket, and some places, its illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator!!
I have respect for most police officers. I myself was Security Forces (aka military police in the Air Force) but the world is a crazy place and not everyone's honest all the time, even authority figures. I've been threatened with trumped up charges just for being at a bar when a fight broke out. At the same time, I've been allowed to walk away from a traffic stop with no fines, in spite of the fact that the car was unregistered without valid inspection and I had an expired license with an outstanding warrant (its a long story).
Basically what I'm trying to get at is whether we want to or not, or even realize it or not, 99% of us have broken the law. That's just what happens when you live in a prison state though.