Have/would you call out an officer with a bad attitude?


Well-Known Member
Have or would you say something to an officer that was rude to you, without cause? I know some people are afraid of police, and others are too respectful. But there are others that will stand up for themselves no matter who it is. Which type are you? I actually confronted an officer once when my friend passed his breathalyzer and was still ordered to go home. In all other cases, officers have been pretty decent to me.
I think it would depend on they situation. If it was just obvious that the officer was having a bad day and was in a bad mood, I think I would just make sure I was nice to him and told him to try to enjoy the rest of his day. I think sometimes calling someone out on their bad mood just makes it worse. Now, if they are being particularly harsh, like in your case, I might say something, like hey, did I do something else wrong? I'm just wondering because you seem really mad at me and I don't know what I did? I just want to make sure I'm not making mistakes here. I think being diplomatic is the best way.
I'm personally afraid of calling a cop out, especially if they are just having a bad day. I don't usually stand up, I just let it go and go on with my day. I just stay polite all the time.
I guess I am just more sensitive, and wish to stand up for myself. I don't think anyone has the right to treat me bad, just because their day hasn't gone well. Would a check out clerk be allowed to talk down to you, or in any way make you feel like you were receiving hostility from them? Of course not! Just because a cop has a badge and gun does not make them immune for decent human consideration.
I definetly would. I don't care WHO you are, everyone should be treated with a certain level of respect. Having a bad attitude of any sort, especially when you are a law enforcement officer is a form of disrespect. I know everyone has bad days ever now and then, but I think you're personal life should stay personaal and not reflect on your job in any way.
I would ask the cop why they were being so rude to me. The key is to not make it a argument where you go back and forth with the cop. Make sure they know you don't appreciate them being rude to you and leave it at that.
I read an article one, written by an officer. He said that he knows everyone is a little apprehensive when pulled over, and even as an officer, being pulled over in another town made him a little nervous, although he knew he had no reason to be. He also stated that officers approaching cars are also nervous, never knowing what to expect. He said be as polite as possible to get through the process as quickly as possible, with the least amount of negativity. I think most civilians probably do that, but not all officers follow suit. If you called an officer out, it would most likely end up negative on your end. You might get even more attitude, an actual ticket instead of a warning, and surely delay you even longer. I guess if standing up for yourself is worth the extra hassle, do it! I probably would, no matter the consequences.
I'm not one to get rude or testy with someone unless I absolutely have to. I believe in disagreeing respectfully, and this applies to police to. If a policeman were to have a bad attitude towards me, then I'd defend myself in a respectful manner, but no cussing and putting my hands on them and whatnot. That is just too uncalled for, and could push the officer over the edge and have him end up pressing me with charges.