Has anyone in your family ever been police officer?


Well-Known Member
Police officers in your family are great pride to the family and the people around. I am sure that it is quite extraordinary to have police officers in your family. Do you have any such family members?*
No, however I do know some friends whose relatives are police officers, and they are typically very nice people.
Not in my family, but someone I went to school with became a police officer in the same town we grew up in. This was in my young days of hell-raising. He pulled me over a few times, and I think it was uncomfortable for both of us. I am grateful he never had to arrest me. I know it's an honor to be a policeperson, but he seemed almost embarrassed to do the job, and didn't last more than a few years.
I have an uncle who works part-time. He's a cool guy and always invites my family up for dinner. There's been a bit of tension lately due to the Hong Kong protests, due to the hours working and the political background. Otherwise he's a nice person and we get along well.
Police officers in your family are great pride to the family and the people around. I am sure that it is quite extraordinary to have police officers in your family. Do you have any such family members?*

Unfortunately no but i guess it would create a sense of pride if any of my family member was a cop.If possible i would like one of my kids to take the plunge and be a cop but he/she would have to make the final decision.
Not my immediate family member but one of my uncle is in law enforcement. He works for the Navy. And talking about the navy, I love the all-white uniform.
No, but a really close family friend is a police chief, and he's an awesome guy. I don't meet many police officers, but I hope they're as cool as that guy.
Police officers in your family are great pride to the family and the people around. I am sure that it is quite extraordinary to have police officers in your family. Do you have any such family members?*

Nah... Only correction officers. There's a lot of correction officers in my family. But I don't see anything of great pride or extraordinary for a family with cop members. For anything, a lot of people wouldn't want to be friends with anybody who has cops in their immediate family. LOL!
Be mindful that having a police officer can be a double-edged sword. If that officer is infamous for being particularly Procrustean and particularly mean, you might get bashed for it. For example, you're a kid, your father gives some other kid's father a very pricey speeding ticket, that kid is told by his father to beat you up.
My brother wanted to be a policeman when he grew up. He even went for an interview for police recruitment. He did not pass the interview. Today he is a teacher following in my parents footsteps.
I've never had a police officer in the family, as far as I am aware anyway, but just a couple generations up the family tree and there is a significant military history to be found. Nowadays my family is really nothing special though - myself included. No Doctors, lawyers, soldiers, or what have you. Kind of sad to see the steep fall.
No I haven't but I had a friend who was a Sergeant on the force before he had to resign because of health reasons.
One side of my family has a strong line of police officers up until me. That specific side of my family lived in the Philippines up until the last century so I can't imagine how many uprisings my blood fought.
Three from our family roots are cops.My cousin is a cop and is a sub inspector.he just passed out and has joined the force only recently.One of my cousin's dad is a Inspector General.We take pride in it,to be their relatives.
Well it has it's ups and downs. I don't have anyone in my family that is in law enforcement, but I have some friends who's dads are cops. Sometimes the classmates can make fun of kids who have cops are parents, all and all it wasn't that bad for them.
My cousin's husband is a volunteer police officer. I still am confused as to what that entails though. I really got to ask him about it one day. :) I have 2 firefighters in my family though. Both cousins.
My brother is a cop in Colorado currently. So I definitely get to hear both sides of the fence. He definitely loves it. Has wanted to be a cop since he was about 4 years old. It is nice to see him go thru it all.
No, no one in my family has been a police officer. When I was younger my brother wanted to be one and when I was a child my mom was friends with all our local police officers because she worked for Mother's Against Drunk Driving so was in regular contact with them.
Nobody in my family has ever been a police officer. I don't plan on being one because I would have to enforce laws that I disagree with.
I have a lot of cops in my family. I have an aunt, an uncle, and a few cousins have all joined their local police forces. My father and my grandfather both worked as NSA agents. My family is one full of law enforcement officials. I don't think anyone in the family has used that before to get out of trouble though. At least no one in my immediate family.