Has an officer ever testified against you in court?


Well-Known Member
Oftentimes an officer on the scene will be required to make a statement to the court about what they saw and heard. "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" is not an idle threat. I have been fortunate to have only gone to court for simple things, so I have never had an officer make a statement that would damn me. I am curious who has? What was said? Was it true? What was the outcome?
I always wanted to be a cop when I was a kid. I think it is best to try and understand everything about the part of the job before going for that job. It is a very dangerous job and one should be very careful with it.
No.Hoping it doesnt happen in the near future too,more importantly i wouldn't do such a grave mistake too.I haven't seen cops testifying against a person,apart from films.
I hope to God that I never have to go through that. I have never been to a court of law or had an issue with a police officer. Maybe it is because I do not drive as it is so easy to break traffic lights even without knowing it. I desire to live a quite life until I am old and very grey.
I have never been to court so I have not ever had an officer testify against me. Just like the defendant though they are under oath and everything they say must be truthful or they can be held in contempt of court for perjury.
It has never happened to me till now as I think it is quite good that I have never got into any trouble with such people. I am sure that all the people are quite happy in that manner.
I got arrested for possession once and the cops that arrested me testified against me. It was a misdemeanor so it wasn't that serious. I was still surprised to see that the cop actually showed up though.
I got arrested for possession once and the cops that arrested me testified against me. It was a misdemeanor so it wasn't that serious. I was still surprised to see that the cop actually showed up though.

Thank you, Lito, for being the only one who replied with an actual response to what I was asking. Why do people respond just to say "no"? Anyway, officers don't have a choice when it comes to testifying in an arrest or accident or any other issue that they were on the scene. They are obviously going to be the most credible witness in a crime. I saw a judge a couple times that always started his court by saying that a person may or may not be guilty, and words to the effect of the officer may or may not be accurate, but I always doubted that he would have ever sided with a civilian. He probably just said it to sound official and unbiased.
Oftentimes an officer on the scene will be required to make a statement to the court about what they saw and heard. "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" is not an idle threat. I have been fortunate to have only gone to court for simple things, so I have never had an officer make a statement that would damn me. I am curious who has? What was said? Was it true? What was the outcome?
Fortunately I've not been in that situation but my brother has. He was once arraigned in court on breaking and entering and i had gone to follow the proceedings. The arresting officer made an opening statement before my brother's lawyer took the stand to defend him.The trial lasted three days and in the end,my brother was acquitted due to lack of evidence.
I haven't but according to the Law a cop is supposed to be present. You have the right to face your accuser, but if you don't know your right, they won't tell you your rights when you go to court. It's a shame how the system treats the people, that's why I take the time to learn the law, and the constitution, which is much more important that codes and statues.