Got tased, worst thing ever!

I would prefer to get tased again than sprayed. Getting sprayed is pretty much the worst thing ever.
Ouch - I've always wondered what that felt like.. but I don't wonder enough to want to find out!
Getting tased is painful since you got those fishhooks in you. Getting pepper sprayed is not good either especially if you don't have any water nearby to help you.
Not nice, I know. But at least now you know what it feels like, and you can start to think about ways in which you could deal with the situation if it happened when you weren't expecting it to. It is all part of the training, and it is a stage that you have now got through, so you should be very proud of yourself. Luckily tasering doesn't actually happen all that much when you're on the job, very rarely indeed, it's just important that you know what it feels like just in case you're in a situation where it happens to you.
Anyway you could describe what it's like? I'm probably phrasing this incorrectly but; I've always wondering what it's like. Not trying to say I want to be tased but just wondered what it would be like. Is it an electric shock or what? Also, what are the things that stick into you made of/feel like? I can't imagine what sort of person was sitting at home thinking up some sort of weapon and came up with a taser.
i have never been tazed and it ain't available here too, but for the videos i have seen, it hurts like hell,you can bet cops enjoy tasering people.From what I gather it's literally being electrocuted but the pain is over as soon as the trigger is depressed, or the timer is up
Man way to deal with the gut-wrenching tazer. That must have felt like crap being tazed at the academy. It was something that you had to go through which you had those fishhooks in you. I have seen those fishhooks that come from the tazer gun and I get a bad feeling from the pointed ends. If a bad guy were to get a hold of your tazer you would know how it feels when its used against you. Hopefully you would be able to pass the academy and be a police officer.
Ouch, can't even imagine how it's like to be tased, but now that you say worst thing ever I think I get an idea...
I have been tazed before and its a really surefire way of getting someone on the ground! It was during a safety demonstration and I volunteered to take the plunge into the mat. It is interesting seeing the effects and what it does to your body. There haven't been any cases of a volunteer succumbing to death/heart attack so its always interesting to see when it happens *Rarely* out on the street.

It's a very effective deterrent and as long as departments are training their officers to use this non-lethal tool then I see a use for it, no matter how much it "hurts" (More like a paralyzing sensation) after being Tazed!