Girl Playing In Her Backyard Set On Fire By Stranger


Well-Known Member
Could this man just have been a sadist or something worse? Who in his right mind would do this to a child? And this child was in her home. What justification, if any, would such a beast have for doing what he did?

A brother and sister were playing in their backyard last Wednesday, January 28th when all of the sudden the boy rushed inside — telling his uncle that his sister’s head was on fire!
Jayden’s brother, five-year-old Christopher, said an older man came over to their backyard fence and told the kids to come over to him. Then, the five-year-old boy says the man said he was going to light the girl’s head on fire, lit a cigarette, and ran off.
“It’s unbelievable:†Kansas girl playing in her backyard when police say a stranger set her on fire |
Wow, what a horrific story! It's bad enough to be afraid of strangers hurting your children when you go to a park or a community area, but to have this happen when you're in your own yard is very scary.

So, should parents be outside, supervising their kids even in their own yards? Should kids be taught to NEVER interact with strangers, because they're dangerous? Both reactions seem extreme, but would have prevented this situation.
Wow, what a horrific story! It's bad enough to be afraid of strangers hurting your children when you go to a park or a community area, but to have this happen when you're in your own yard is very scary.

So, should parents be outside, supervising their kids even in their own yards? Should kids be taught to NEVER interact with strangers, because they're dangerous? Both reactions seem extreme, but would have prevented this situation.

Kids being taught to never interact with strangers could also lead to problems -- like when kids get lost in the forest, and they send search parties but the kid don't answer to their name being called because they have been taught to never speak to strangers. Maybe keeping a safe distance would be a possible idea.

Anyway, sick story. Urgh.
How could anyone do such a thing. I believe that it is best if the laws are made much more stricter on punishment to such for what they have done rather than just take it very lightly.
I think we should find him and light him on fire for an extended period of time.

Eye for an eye and all of that. He deserves it. And then some jailtime.

Grab your Pal's Hand
Don't accept funky candy
Don't talk to weird men on the other side of fences.
I think we should find him and light him on fire for an extended period of time.

Eye for an eye and all of that. He deserves it. And then some jailtime.
This man deserved some vigilante justice. Set his hair on fire. Roast off his toes or fingers, the kind of treatment he'd have got if we still the old laws or when we didn't have any at all. There are those times one wishes that somebody got back exactly what he dished out. Unfortunately though all he'll get is some jail time.
This is just crazy, what was he thinking of? Some people need to be away from society. This man has some serious issues to deal with. I just don't get the mindset of some people.
Just goes to show we aren't safe anywhere. No one not even a child is safe, this is a sad fact of life. I truly hope the day will come when mentally ill people as this person probably is. Will be treated for it,if not else put somewhere where they are monitored for all our sakes.
This is horrible and something that should NEVER happen, it does. Now I'm not going to blame the childrens guardians for this but it does reinforce the idea that children should be more mindful of strangers. Guardians need to teach children not to run up to people they don't know. I am constantly amazed how little this seems to be taught in New Zealand where I am always having children come up to me just to talk or things. I feel like I have a big sign around him that says "Child friendly, come and talk to them"... I hate kids and never know what to say.
Anyone who is capable of doing this to a child does not deserve to live. And it's imperative that they find this idiot and prosecute him to the full extent of the law. There is nothing anyone could do that would be punishment enough for him.
There is no justification for crimes like this. People like this deserve the ultimate punishment that the law will give. It's truly sick to see the actions that some people do. This is such a sad story and I hope the family is somehow able to find peace through all of this.
After reading this I do not want to allow my niece and nephews to go to the park by themselves and thats just one block away. It sickens and saddens me to read posts like this. I just will never understand people who abuse children. They need some serious help if beating ( or setting a little girl ) on fire makes them feel better.
Don't worry, the Girl got her Revenge:


Dude paid the price.

But yeah, this is deranged. Beyond belief.


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That's absolutely terrible, I sincerely hope the punishment will reflect the crime in this case. Auch, morning ruined.