i've worked with many parents and children/adolescents, and the parents often feel they have no recourse, other than to give in to the children, because the kids threaten to call CPS (Child Protective Services), regardless of whether or not they are hit. Those children have no idea of what will happen if they do call CPS. They seem to think they will be taken to a magical place where they will be handed iPads and video gaming systems, and live in mansions with servants. Foster homes are often not desirable places to be, as many find out when they're taken there, and once in the system, it's often difficult for parents to fight their way through the system and get their children back. Perhaps we should have volunteers who've been through the system on call to explain this to the children. CPS exists for a reason, and it's not for cases like this, where a mother is obviously past the breaking point, out of concern over her child and his well being.