Ferguson police testing 'less lethal' gun attachment;


Well-Known Member
The police are working on getting better equipment to deal with riots and civil disturbances. This will stop the criminals in their tracks.

Ferguson police are testing new methods of incapacitating suspects — six months after a highly controversial police shooting involving one of their officers.

This week, five instructors for the Missouri city’s police department are training to use a "less lethal" device, called the Alternative, which has enough force to knock a suspect to the ground but not kill him or her.
The Alternative is a small orange device that attaches to the top of a normal handgun and extends a Ping-Pong-ball-sized projectile in front of the muzzle.
Isn't that a rubber bullet? There are plenty of non-lethal alternative spanning a range of needs from pepper spray to tasers. I would love to hear what makes this new attachment so special.
Rubber bullets and rubber "bombs" can be very hard when shot in someone's face (like it happened in my regions protests). Some kid was in the hospital and they were not sure for a while if he would lose an eye.

Really wonder what different thing they'll come up with now!
It's about time than "less-lethal" means to control the population appear because random killing in self-defense doesn't make sense. If non-lethal technology exists, let's use it!
Sorry but I am ROTFL laughing at the thought of a "less lethal" gun! Especially one with a ping pong ball on the end!

On a more serious note, wouldn't it be better to just use tasers or even teach cops not to be quite so trigger-happy?
It doesn't seem too practical, after every shot you have to put another ball on the end ? Maybe you might have an accident and actually shoot off your hand. Maybe the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder.
This would be a good gesture on their part, unfortunately the reputation and image of this Police department is forever tainted and soiled and whatever they do to try and mend fences is strictly an afterthought and nothing more.