I'm going to have to go with...The Doctor who saved my life. I was in a sled riding accident when I was 16. I was going down a hill all the kids played on, I went down the hill, hit the ramp we made and was sent flying towards a parked car. I smashed into that car with such force it broke C3 & C4 vertebrae, not to mention if thankfully knocked me out so I did not have the chance to move or I would not be able to even type to you today. I had screws drilled into my head, put in a halo brace and was in the hospital for nearly three weeks before I could return home, the after care took years to finally get better. If it had not been for the quick thinking of the doctor I could even be dead right now. I know most people are thinking like DC or Marvel but in my book the real superheroes are most often over looked sadly.