Drug use

I am not certain I understand your question. Did you submit to a urine analysis immediately after taking the Xanax? I am no expert, but most drugs don't stay in your system for very long. If you are genuine in realizing it was a bad idea to take a street drug, and don't do it again, I see no reason to think that this will hinder your efforts in getting into the academy or police force.
Again, I don't think anyone would necessary be judged for doing things years ago that couldn't be held accountable in today's world. Just stay clean, stay fit, and give the academy a good run. If you're cut out for it, and were meant to do it, and you want to do it - then I see no reason that you could fail. Just have a positive mentality and things will come your.
So you are just in high school right now? Honestly, don't worry about it. It will all be well out of your system by the time you come to submit a uring sample, so there is no cause for concern. You'll be fine!
Drugs have no benefits and the best advice that you already know is to stay away from them. I am sure that if you remain clean for now you will not have any problem when you interview for the police academy. Part of being a police officer is ensuring that people obey the law; you must set a good example to the citizens as a police officer.
During the screening process, you may be asked under a polygraph examine about former drug use. You should be very honest about anything that you have done in the past because the polygraph will pick up dishonesty and you could be disqualified because of that.
You may have ruined your chances with a State Police agency or federal department because they specify that no drugs besides marijuana can have been consumed in your life time. Now municipal departments may look over that kind of stuff, but if a polygraph is issued you must be honest otherwise they will disqualify you from the hiring process altogether. It's important to be honest from the very beginning. But also more importantly, don't do drugs in the first place and stop hanging out with idiots.
It is best if you do not commit this mistake ever again. I think a lot of people make such stupid mistake at least once in their life. It is best if you get cleaned up in the nicest possible manner.