Drug Addicts vs The Law


Well-Known Member
Possession of controlled substances is a crime. I'm sure punishment [for the crime] varies from place to place. A number of those who are arrested are not drug traffickers. They've bought the drug because they intend to use it. Since drug addicts can, with the right help, beat their addictions, why send them to prison instead of getting them the treatment they need?
The main issue with drug addicts is that they have to want to have treatment and to be helped. There is no point trying to help someone who doesn't acknowledge they have a problem and doesn't think they need help. I have a friend who is no longer as close who was/is and addict. He would go each Friday to his dealer under the guise of visiting friends (he saw them as friends and to play with their kid), he would use his last pennies to get there in snow, wind or rain and not eat. He never thought he had a problem and the only thing to do was to let him fall.
Possession of controlled substances is a crime. I'm sure punishment [for the crime] varies from place to place. A number of those who are arrested are not drug traffickers. They've bought the drug because they intend to use it. Since drug addicts can, with the right help, beat their addictions, why send them to prison instead of getting them the treatment they need?

This often happens in the UK. Judges and magistrates can sentence someone to a treatment order whereby they are placed in rehab (often as outpatients) and providing they pass the random drugs tests that will be administered, they will stay out of jail. It seems to work well for some people and has reduced re-offending rates by around 20%.
I think this is a great method. In jail you don't really have the atmosphere to quit. It can also be quite stressful whereas in rehab you have a programmer designed to help you quit. Its excellent and great if even one person leaves drugs and makes their life better.
Possession of controlled substances is a crime. I'm sure punishment [for the crime] varies from place to place. A number of those who are arrested are not drug traffickers. They've bought the drug because they intend to use it. Since drug addicts can, with the right help, beat their addictions, why send them to prison instead of getting them the treatment they need?
Who is going to believe a drug addict in the courtroom? If you have a drug addict then they would not be able to be reasonable in the courtroom. The officer would win the case by default.
Who is going to believe a drug addict in the courtroom? If you have a drug addict then they would not be able to be reasonable in the courtroom. The officer would win the case by default.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. We've been discussing the best course of action to take when people have already been found guilty of drug offences, not whether they should be found guilty or not.
This question is a as old as the DEA. It makes no sense to fill prisons with people who have an addiction. To counter that idea I also feel it makes no sense to fill prisons with non-violent drug dealers either. Our drug laws are as wrong as sin & everyone knows it. Getting something done about it is what will shock me.
Jails will not definitely help drug addicts. Their situations could just worsen if they are being put behind bars. They need a rehabilitation center to help them quit their vices/bad habits.