
Yeah, maybe cops also like them, but where I live, practically everyone goes to Dunkin for a morning coffee and donut run. This is one of those weird specific stereotypes that really apply to everyone.
Who here doesn't..?? I really love it actually.It is humanity's most delicious invention.It reminds me of one thing..I can't remember which comedian it is though, but basically the bit goes "Of course Cops like donuts, that's because they know the difference between right and wrong."
Not a police officer but I do like Dunkin Donuts. Personally I don't particular enjoy dunking them into coffee, I like eating them fresh by themselves. With all the new donut flavors continually coming out I think we are becoming spoilt for choice, my favorite remains a simple chocolate sprinkle donut though.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and defend every USA born doughnut loving cop out there. The simple fact is that doughnuts are delicious. They make the day even better then it already is with its sweet goodness. The simple fact that coffee goes so good with it just seems like a gift from God.
It always struck me as odd that this stereotype sticks around as long as it does. My dad (city lawyer who works with a lot of cops) once explained it to me like this: cops don't like doughnuts. Cops like a quick breakfast that they can eat standing up and will give them a little energy on the end of a late shift or the start of an early one. Cops like something they can eat in the car without causing much mess. Cops like something light and not too involved in case they have to abandon breakfast in a moment's notice.

Besides, doughnuts are great.
Is this not a thing in other countries? I'm curious what some of the stereotypes of cops are in other countries around the world!
I like the question! My guess is that it's less to do with the police themselves but more to do with the food culture. I've lived in a few places around the world, and visited a lot more, and from my experience it's definitely more of a US phenomenon.

It's certainly not anything I've seen in the UK, where I grew up, nor in other parts of Europe and Asia that I've lived and visited.
Doughnuts are loved by lots of people not just cops. It is a food that can be eaten quickly. It also provides a sugar rush for someone who might need that extra push to keep them going especially in the morning. I believe the stereotype is portrayed in lots of movies. People automatically assume all cops love doughnuts but they are human too. Some like them some don't.
Recently on Top Chef they had Boston PD and Boston Fire on the show. They made a lot of jokes about not making food that was "doughnut" related, and there seemed to be a decent amount of ribbing between the two. They specifically mentioned how they are really focused on clean eating at the moment.
I don't know where that stereotype originated, but I can give a pretty accurate guess. In big cities police on patrol routinely go into the businesses in their area and do a "welfare check" on the employees and owners. Many places out of gratitude will give the officers free drinks and snacks. Seeing an officer in a doughnut shop (among many other places) was not uncommon. It really is just an insult, implying that all police do is sit around and eat while crime runs amuck.
I live in Canada, and I frequently see my local police officers go to Tim Hortons. It's probably some stereotype, but I can understand, as most chains are open 24 hours, and having something sweet probably gets them through the night. Having McDonald's is even worse at cementing the stereotype. However, I guess this also means that I go to Tim Hortons often :/
Doughnuts are loved by lots of people not just cops. It is a food that can be eaten quickly. It also provides a sugar rush for someone who might need that extra push to keep them going especially in the morning. I believe the stereotype is portrayed in lots of movies. People automatically assume all cops love doughnuts but they are human too. Some like them some don't.

Haaa! LOL! I never heard that all cops eat donuts. But now that you mention it, I would imagine that cops do have to grab fast food because they work outdoors. Hotdogs, donuts, etc., because they must always be on the lookout and drop what they're doing and spring into action in a split second. It goes with the job.
Well I've actually met a couple of cops who says they LOVE donuts and love sucking on their fingers after they're done eating. Met a couple, it's a correlation and a possible true stereotype.
You know, I have no idea really, but I always thought that this stereotype got started because the doughnut shops gave cops their doughnuts and coffee for free. If I'm not mistaken other types of food places also give cops their meals for free. The fact is, I rather hope it's true. Cops and soldiers deserve some perks.
This is HILARIOUS! Are there really people out there that think cops eat nothing but doughnuts? I always think of Chief Wiggum when I think of that stereotype. I know cops that are on strict diets and really watch what they eat. I think cops need to stay in fairly decent shape in case a chase ensues.
Haha. I just laughed when I saw the topic.
It is a really funny question, but I think it is a stereotype...
Anyway, who doesn't like donut? They taste so good.