Don't Mess With Granny

Yeah, I still don't think we should all carry guns because of the few stories like this. But I'm glad she's okay, glad he's ok (physically) and I hope he hasn't hurt anyone since.
It takes forethought and dedication to attend training classes to qualify for concealed carry permits, select a gun and holster or other concealment device, and follow through with carrying a firearm, so I think those people will be more prepared to respond when they or someone else is in danger. I don't have a problem with well trained, law abiding citizens carrying, and I believe that my likelihood of survival increases when I'm around them. I thought it was funny that she was going to defend herself with a knife, then remembered she had a gun with her.
This granny was ready even though she was afraid. Her actions took a lot of courage and strength to stare fear in the face, and despite the fear, was able to fight back. The average person, I'm sure, would have buckled under this kind of distress. I remember once when I was in college, there was a guy, whom was not a student on the campus, tried to attack me. But I fought back and was able to flee from the attacker. And yes, I was afraid but the will to survive kicked in.
Finally a story with a happy ending. It's funny how news like this doesn't make it on the air. The media outlets seem to just want to bombard us with all of this negative stuff. Good guy wins this time.
I admire the old lady's calmness. A knife held against her throat and she tells the man who'd threatened to hurt her to back off? Had it been someone else I'm sure the man would have been shot dead. If only some of those trigger happy cops would exercise such restraint . . .
I have a feeling this wasn't her first rodeo. Glad things worked out the way they did for both parties here. It could have gone all wrong in either direction if both were not as present as it seems they were.
The lesson everyone should learn is never roll down your window to strangers. She could have have done a couple of inches and he wouldn't have had the opportunity. Obviously the woman seemed well prepared with a knife and a gun in her car, but maybe that's what it's like in her area?
This proves that you should never judge a book by its cover. Just because she appears to be old and weak, like a vulnerable target, does not mean that she is! I am happy to hear that she managed to successfully defend herself, although I am sure she does need some trauma counseling. An experience like this always has a negative affect on you. To all the would be robbers out there, beware of armed old ladies!
This granny was ready even though she was afraid. Her actions took a lot of courage and strength to stare fear in the face, and despite the fear, was able to fight back. The average person, I'm sure, would have buckled under this kind of distress. I remember once when I was in college, there was a guy, whom was not a student on the campus, tried to attack me. But I fought back and was able to flee from the attacker. And yes, I was afraid but the will to survive kicked in.
Exactly we get into a point where we feel we have nothing to lose.Something more like,lets give it a shot :P
This granny really deserves spl mention..:D
She's probably been handling guns since she was a girl so will have decades more experience with one than the majority of cops!
Haha..more likely than not,but guns weren't permitted those days right.? THen how did she even get to know of all these.Self defense tutorials.? maybe.?
That was one brave granny right there! How many of us would have thought about reacting like the way she did with a knife held on her throat? It takes gut to do so keeping in mind those are split second decisions which could cause your life.
Always nice to hear stories like this especially when it turns out good. I know people have their opinions of guns and knives as being dangerous, or that everyone should be able to arm themselves for their protection as well as their families, but the weapons have never been the problem. It's always been the state of mind of the people. I believe criminals will always find a way to break the law or harm others. As I see it, until the criminal's state of mind is changed, it doesn't make much difference what you try to ban or take away because you still haven't solved the problem which is the Individual and their criminal mindset.
I like how people are like "Oh I am glad he is ok..." Because putting a knife to anyones throat is and ok thing to do. That is an act of combat in my book. If I had a gun and someone was putting a knife to my throat, I would have shot the attacker a few times in the stomach and then walked away.
WTG Granny!!! But if I had both a knife and a gun, I would have put the gun in his face and stabbed him in the butt with the knife and kept down till the cops got there..But a gun and a tazzer would be better. The gun in his face then taze him in the leg.. Down for the count waiting for the police. But that is just me.
Damn, this was amazing! I'm really glad granny managed to protect herself, but I still don't think this means we should all carry guns on us. There are other people who have itchy trigger fingers and that means more people will die because of stupid reasons such as grudges or small fights.
You go grandma, what a feisty lady! I'm not big on guns but in this case I'm all for what this courageous lady did. Her calm and collected demeanour is to be commended. He probably saw what he thought was a little old lady he could easily take out. This is the reason many of us are now jaded and have come so unfriendly towards strangers. You just don't know if you're putting your life at risk, if you try to be helpful.