Do you think some rules are meant to be broken?


Well-Known Member
Are you a person that generally follows all the rules, or do you follow more your common sense. Do you think it's ok to break some rules sometimes?
It's a huge grey area. I believe some people can be ignorant when they preform "victimless" crimes without thinking of everything their crime has an impact on.
I believe that every rule is in place for a reason. I try my very best to follow every set rule. Sometimes it may appear like doing the right thing takes more effort. That said, I will always choose to follow the rules and avoid the consequences that could change the course of my life.
Morally there are only two rules I consider sacred - 'Do not kill' and 'Do not steal'. But even with these two, a situation may arise where it would be necessary to break them. For example, in defense of your loved ones from a life threatening person/animal, or if a child was starving and there was a bounty of food somewhere of which I could not get, then you can guess what I would resort to next.
I don't necessarily think rules are meant to be broken but I always do what I figure is best for me. My parents tried keeping me in the house but I always left. My parents fear something may happen but they can't protect me from getting hurt or death so I always rebelled to show them that fact.
I would probably be considered a stickler for rules. I'm an incredibly honest person by nature and I just feel better if I'm following all the rules. But I do have to admit I have a slight speeding problem. Not like racetrack bad, but I'm usually 15 over on the interstate. I do follow speed limits in towns and areas where there are likely pedestrians, though!
I think rules should be obeyed, especially when they are fair rules. This sets a good example for society in general. But rules are not effective or fair if not applied to all.
I think rules are set in place for a reason but I do not think they should be followed under ANY and ALL circumstances. Events happen where common sense and logic defy the rule that is in place and it must be broken. Can't think of an example offhand but there are many of them.
Morally there are only two rules I consider sacred - 'Do not kill' and 'Do not steal'. But even with these two, a situation may arise where it would be necessary to break them. For example, in defense of your loved ones from a life threatening person/animal, or if a child was starving and there was a bounty of food somewhere of which I could not get, then you can guess what I would resort to next.

I liked your review, I just wanted to hear something similar. Is very logical that you say and you're right. Thanks for commenting "director" Happy day.
Regardless of everyone's opinions, there are always those who believe that rules are meant to be broken and will break them just for fun. Rules are there for good reason. Most rules are actually for our protection and well being and not to harm us , as many seem to think. No, rules should not be broken, but sometimes situations arise that have extenuating factors and rules are broken. In such circumstances all factors must be considered.
Every rule is there for a reason to make sure there is decorum all around the place.They shouldn't be broken unless they prove a hindrance to a big clan or something that shuns them out.Personally i have broken many a laws,but don't want others doing it,because it will only make it more chaotic.
Yes. I'm one of those who believe that in every rule, there's always an exception. To be cool, it is importance to know how to balance the right thing to do with what you want to do. So I say yes, we better know how to bend rules a little. Again, I say, "bend" not "break". When we say bend, there's always an explanation that comes with it which is mostly about your moral principles, your beliefs. Breaking rules is simply not following rules because you can't or you won't.
Yes. I don't like breaking rules because I don't like getting in trouble and getting attention. Anyway, I think that there are still some rules that are made to be broken especially during emergencies. For instance, I once jaywalked because my mother was sent to the hospital. I had to choose between crossing the footbridge which is about 200 meters away. Every second was precious, so I just crossed the street illegally. Luckily, there were no police officers then.
I don't break rules for the sake of breaking them lol, but I don't think all rules are necessary and I'm a grown woman.. I don't intend to hurt anyone, ever, and whatever I do will be with that in mind. Not that I have to keep it in mind, it's just not in me to hurt others. So if I break a rule, it will be victimless. Or rather, I would see it as victimless. Again, I don't see eye to eye with the law sometimes lol. It's a pesky little dictator ;)
No I don't believe in stuff such as rules,but follow ones that pertain to our safety,like wearin PPE's and other stuff,but i love to break rules like speeding,not stopping when a cop asks you to,like escaping from cops.Stuff like that.Already thrilling.Ain't it..?
Sometimes a law or rule can be bad, even evil. I have no trouble remembering "Jim Crow" and similar laws, so don't try to tell me that all laws should be followed. And just think about some of the laws in some other countries. I try to do what I know is moral.
Some 'bad' rules need to be broken and in time they get changed and adapted. This applies more to laws that have evolved and they need to be made contemporary and more adaptable to an evolving society. It's different from people who disrespect rules and take no notice of them, rather than look at rules that are out of date.
I’m generally a rule follower, but there are certain instances in which they should be broken. Those are usually pretty extraordinary circumstances, but they do exist. I’m definitely not one to break rules just for fun or kicks, or just because I think I can. There should be a good reason behind rule-breaking, I think.

That said, rules can be a grey area. Some are quite arbitrary and illogical. I’m still one to question such rules, rather than break them just because I feel like I should, though.
For the most part, I think rules are put into place for a reason and I always do my very best to abide by them. There are some rules that get outdated though, and you pretty much just break them because they are not applicable any longer. It all depends on how frequently said rule books are updated. The one example I can think of off the top of my head is that there is a driving lane in my town that used to be a carpool lane, but is no longer. The lines are still painted in the lane and some people might think I was breaking the law if I am driving in the lane as a single occupant, but I am not because it is no longer legally an HOV lane. Perception of the rules can also be flawed.
For the most part, I think rules are put into place for a reason and I always do my very best to abide by them. There are some rules that get outdated though, and you pretty much just break them because they are not applicable any longer. It all depends on how frequently said rule books are updated. The one example I can think of off the top of my head is that there is a driving lane in my town that used to be a carpool lane, but is no longer. The lines are still painted in the lane and some people might think I was breaking the law if I am driving in the lane as a single occupant, but I am not because it is no longer legally an HOV lane. Perception of the rules can also be flawed.
As I mentioned above, rules are sometimes put into place for immoral reasons. For instance, several states have enacted voting rules clearly designed to prevent some groups from voting. They claim that it is designed to prevent people not entitled to vote from voting, but the rules are designed to prevent poor people from voting.
Another problem is that many cities have made it illegal to feed hungry people. I'm not kidding about that, the rule makers sometimes make excuses about public safety, but the fact is that that the excuse is sometimes just that feeding hungry people just encourages them to not work, even if there are no jobs and the people are disabled.