Do you think schools should have armed guards at their entrances?

No I don't think so. I would be concerned about the effect on the kids having an armed guards in school everyday.
This is a good question especially after all the shoot outs performed by deranged individuals...... I think security should be tighter, eg all doors are auto locked and can only be accessed via swipe cards or coding. Schools could have efficient hearing/cooling systems which means which means windows are sealed. This would prevent anyone entering the building unless they where buzzed in via a security camera/speaker entrance system. This would enable the teachers/parents to be secure in TGE knowledge that the children would be safe on school property without scaring the little children.

maybe having an on duty police officer on site would be a good idea. In case someone was hanging around the grounds, they can investigate and the children would know a friendly faced police person.
They shouldn't have an armed guard at the entrance. They should have one guard on campus just in case something goes down.
How abt ones that are on a BEAT system.I wouldn't want children looking at those guards holding those guns.It might have a negative effect,maybe..
It can help reduce the number of crimes..but a little more of brain storming can get us know what roles they can play..?
I don't know if its a good idea. I think it would make school's seem like Jails from the students perspective. The results of a study done in 2012 was that armed guards made students feel LESS safe and had detrimental effects on students.
It may be a way to increase security but it could result in taking away from or detracting students from learning.
Some schools already do because of the insecurity and I totally support that. I mean, police is there, private guards... why not?
I don't think that schools should have armed guards unless they want to look like a prison. Schools should be somewhere kids go to feel safe and relaxed. I understand to some people that translates to armed lockdown, but it shouldn't to kids. I think that if anything, it will give the children the idea that their schools aren't very safe at all.
No, I really think that sends the wrong message, promotes a culture of fear and distrust. I understand the concerns people have about school safety, but I don't think that's the answer. Even if they had them, whose to say someone wouldn't slip a weapon past the guards.
They should have at least two armed guards. And students should be frisked as they get into school since just having an armed guard at the entrance would not stop someone from sneaking a weapon in, even if it is a knife so they can do whatever it is they wanted to do. That would be the only way to stop senseless shootings, stabbings etc in schools.
My school did. We had a police officer assigned to school detail. If their was a threat we had armed police officers in every hall. We had some race fights going on one year and the police were there for a week (2003). It's really wasn't that big of a deal. I personally felt safer knowing that there was an officer on site.
No, I really think that sends the wrong message, promotes a culture of fear and distrust. I understand the concerns people have about school safety, but I don't think that's the answer. Even if they had them, whose to say someone wouldn't slip a weapon past the guards.

One of the school systems I went too did monthly lock downs and police dogs came in and search our lockers and the high school cars while we stayed in our locked classrooms and at that time I lived in a high middle class town. We didn't feel fear or distrust. We laughed and made jokes about it. Nothing got into that school and we were fine with it.