Do you think probation causes post traumatic stress or paranoia symptoms?


The people I know who were on probation and being checked up on all the time seemed to have gotten paranoia symptoms or post-traumatic stress from being on probation. I know someone who doesn't do anything to get into trouble while on probation, but says that if someone calls in a complaint against him, whether or not it is true, he will still be revoked.

Do you think probation is a helpful thing? Or does it damage these individuals by giving them post-traumatic stress and paranoia that they didn't previously have?
Ain't it normal because many experience those symptoms.I mean it develops a sense where you start thinking whether this in fact is serious...i mean i am unable to stitch it out in words but yes,you do become paranoid if you undergo testings and procedures all the time.
I think the person on probation should be told what to expect so that they do not get paranoid. It must be a difficult thing to be monitored all the time. There are a number of people who get so unhappy when their neighbors start spying on them. Understanding the situation will make life easier.
I think that a lot of people who choose to commit crimes are suffering from mental ill-health to some degree, whether they are on probation or not. Probation can be stressful, too, because of course there is the chance that if anything should go wrong, you will have to go to prison. However this person needs to be assured that as long as they don't do anything wrong, they absolutely cannot be prosecuted for it. It will be obvious if somebody is making something up just to get them into trouble, and the police would not revoke his freedom without being sure that he had committed the crime that he was being accused of at the time.
If a person is on probation, then the authorities have every right to make sure that inspections are random. Why would you tell a criminal when they were going to be checked up on? Too bad if they get paranoid. The safety of the public in more important than their comfort. Why do some people insist on babying criminals?
They should just stay home and play computer games while on Probation, I mean that is the safest way to getting through with no issues, I would hate being on probation, but at the same time it would be nice to stay at home all the time and not do anything.
Being on probation means, follow the law, from that perspective we are all on probation and most of us have no issues.
If you are on probation then that means that you have to comply with the terms that the courts ask of you. Its like a way of discipline to ensure that you learn your lesson. Doing that community service is all that you need to give back to your community which is a learning experience.
I don't have a lot of sympathy here. I guess it's because I'm from the "don't do the crime if you can't do the time," generation. Part of the time means probation if they're lucky enough to get out of jail in the first place.
I guess so. I mean this does not happen only to police officers. Even those who work in private or government organizations are put under such probation when they do something wrong. It's pretty understandable if the person will experience paranoia - even depression.
I would imagine having to adjust back into a very uncaring society doesn't help much either. We let someone serve their time and get out whether it is early or not and then hound them and threaten to send them back to jail. I could understand a month of probation, but it can be for years. Plus you get out and who will hire you after serving time? You would have to get a menial job and have to look over your shoulder constantly to avoid going back in. There has to be a better more humane way to deal with it.
I think probation is a good thing, and doesn't inherently cause those things. But that said, I think those things are caused by just an individual's reaction to stress. I think it's very subjective to each person, in every situation. If we got rid of everything that *could* cause PTSD/paranoia, we'd all be living in a bubble.
I think this is a tough question to answer simply because a lot of the answer would depend on how a person is received back in to society. If there is help that is offered it could be made easier or if met with rejection it could be made harder. Would having paid the price for the crime matter or not? To just make a snap decision would not be an easy thing to do but I am sure there would be stress involved for sure. Just not sure to what degree.
They should just stay home and play computer games while on Probation, I mean that is the safest way to getting through with no issues, I would hate being on probation, but at the same time it would be nice to stay at home all the time and not do anything.

Most times when on probation they want you to get a job and be productive, not sit at home doing nothing and being a burden on society.
Most times when on probation they want you to get a job and be productive, not sit at home doing nothing and being a burden on society.
I could remember when a person I had talked to who was on probation had a choice to either do the 40 hours of community service or go through the job program. He chose the community service since that is supposed to reflect better on his record.

It doesn't do any damage. It's a completely necessary thing. I would imagine that someone who isn't very well behaved would be paranoid over being on probation because they basically have difficulty controlling their temper or something.
It is a helpful thing, and there will always be side effects. I'd take probation over jail any time, but I think would be worried too, maybe I did something I wasn't supposed to that I didn't know about and so on.
My first response is to ask "Who cares?" I mean, if you're not comfortable with that option, don't commit the crimes, or go to/stay in jail. It's not meant to be a rewarding experience. Not everything in life is rainbows, puppies, and chocolate covered cherries.