Do you think men and women get treated differently in the law?


Well-Known Member
You always hear about people saying that women get off easier, but I think that's changing a lot these days. Women are just as capable of domestic violence as they are being a victim, and I hope it's being brought to light that they don't deserve special treatment just because they're a woman.
I think women are treated more favorably by the law. They are more protected and most laws are inclined to their benefit. The law may seem a bit unfair to men because women nowadays are also capable of violence towards us men.
I don't think women should be favored like that. The punishment should fit the crime, regardless of the gender of the person. I do wonder why women would be favored. I understand that women who are victims of domestic violence need protection because of the emotional and psychological effects that make it difficult for them to stand up for themselves, but that does not mean men who are in an abusive situation would not feel many of the same things, particularly shame at ending up a victim like that.