Do you still go to the cinema? How often?

Nah... I been stopped going to the movies. It's been so long, I can't even remember the last time I been to one. Maybe in 98"? With video streaming, who needs the cinema anymore?
I do not go to the movies as much as I would like. I go about once every other month. Mostly because I never see really interesting movies in the cinema that I think are worth ten dollars. I will, however, go see Mockingjay Part One next weekend because that movie is worth every cent.
I'm an avid Netflix user. However, it's sometimes just feels better to just invite a bunch of friends to go see a movie on the big screen. There are also some movies that you don't get the same experience with watching it on a monitor. I remember watching Avatar in 3D, and I watched Interstellar in IMAX format last week. It was worth the money and time.
Not like I did when I was a kid (in the 1980s). There are so many choices now to get new movies at home, why get your butt up and go somewhere? About the only benefit I see is if you can't wait a few months to see something, or you like the giant screen. I don't think cinemas are going anywhere, however. It is the movie rental places that are truly dying.
I don't watch movie frequently, so I don't always go to cinema. However, when there are some new horror movies showing up, I would go to watch them in cinema because it helps shape the scary atmosphere easier and you will be freaked out sometimes.
No more movies out for me. I usually fall asleep in the theater anyway. It's just easier for me to watch movies on my TV, or stream them from my Computer. Sometimes I don't want to wait for a movie to come out on DVD but, movies of today don't stay in the theaters that long anymore.
I go to the movies whenever I'm with my friends or with my girlfriend. I don't go often at all because of that; my friends don't hang out that often because we're all busy with work, school, and family. My girlfriend is off at college for the most part of the year. Whenever I do go to the movies I'm there on a Tuesday so I pay only six dollars for tickets. Super Tuesday is a budget saver without a doubt. The four bucks I save go towards gas or maybe even a treat for my gal. Timing is everything for movies. Tuesdays and at night without a doubt.
I wish I went to the move theater more often. The cost is a concern as it can be over $20 just for myself, but that's not so much the issue as my simply not having the time to dedicate to a few hour long movie at home much the less travel and wait times associated with going out. It's quite unfortunate. What used to be a once every couple weeks ritual has turned into maybe three times a year if I make the most supreme of efforts to clear my schedule to facilitate my seeing something I really want to.
i got to the cinemas based on reviews,if its good i go and watch else i prefer DVDs or home theatre.
For now there is a film that has already made waves with a brilliant trailer..i surely will watch it in theatres
I don't go to the theaters much these days having recently purchased an LED TV with Blu-Ray. I don't have any kids and that theater experience really is not worth shelling out 8-10 dollars for anymore.