Do you like math?


Well-Known Member
What is it with me and numbers? Ever since I started going to school, I never understood mathematics. Sure, I can do basic arithmetic, but beyond that, I am hopeless.

I remember one time, when I was in third grade, I was made to stand in front of the class to solve a division problem. I stood there for almost an hour because I couldn't solve it. That was one of the most traumatic things that ever happened to me.
To me maths has always been my best subject and the reason for this has primarily been due to the fact that maths involves logical thinking and reasoning and i for one am a logical thinker and so i enjoy reasoning with logic
Іf уоu'rе tаlkіng аbоut mаth аs а dіsсірlіnе: Маth іs аbsоlutе, dіsсrеtе... Тhаt іs іn а mаth рrоblеm thеrе's оnlу оnе соrrесt аnswеr.

Веsіdеs, іf уоu'rе rеаsоnаblу gооd іn mаth, уоu саn fаkе mоst оthеr соursеs. Рhуsісs аnd сhеmіstrу ехреrіmеnts, аt lеаst іn thе lоwеr сlаssеs саn bе "rеtrо-еngіnееrеd."

Іn thе рsеudо-sсіеnсеs (рsусhоlоgу, рsусhіаtrу, sосіоlоgу, еduсаtіоn, аnd іn mаnу аrеаs, mеdісіnе) nоbоdу rеаllу knоws whаt thеу'rе tаlkіng аbоut аnуwау. Wіth mаth уоu саn рrоvе аnуthіng. Іf іt's quаntіfіеd, рsеudо-sсіеntіsts bеlіеvе іt.

Маth tеасhеs оnе tо thіnk оbјесtіvеlу, lоgісаllу. Маth tеасhеs оnе tо wоrk wіth рrоblеms thаt аrе tоtаllу оutsіdе оnеs nоrmаl dаіlу асtіvіtіеs аnd ехреrіеnсеs. Νо оthеr dіsсірlіnе dоеs thіs.

Іf уоu'rе tаlkіng аbоut mаth аs а subјесt: І dоn't раrtісulаrlу lіkе іt. І аm nоt а mаthеmаtісіаn. І knоw а fеw. І'vе hаd а fеw аs рrоfеssоrs. І'll аdmіt thаt sоmе рrооfs аrе рrеttу аwеsоmе, but unlіkе sоmе mаthеmаtісіаns, І dоn't соnsіdеr undеrstаndіng thеm а rеlіgіоus ехреrіеnсе. І gоt mу ВА іn mаth, І gоt а sеmеstеr frоm mу МА, but соuldn't gеt іntо іt.

It's nice to know that there's a set-theoretical proof that 0+1=1, and that 1x2=2... but do I need to know it? Only if I'm going to be a math professor... or maybe if I'm going to get involved in some esoteric set-theoretical research
When I was in primary school, I did very well in mathematics. When I went to high school I hated mathematics and felt so bad when we had a double lesson. I guess my teen years were difficult on me as I adjusted to become the person I was meant to become.
I love it..I absolutely love it.When i was 14 i started looking up at Ramanujam's square,the magic square and since then it has become an addiction for me.I haven't done anything big,but during my college days i presented a paper on fuzzy logics,the theory,a research paper..I developed keen interest for many other topics too.
I never really got what maths are for, since we have calculators and such haha. Now seriously, I never loved maths, but I did all right.
I have always loved math in high school. It was my favorite subject and I was excited to go to class. There was only a few of us that was in Advanced Math so it made it a lot easier to learn. When I was in 10th grade I was taking Pre-Calculus, in 11th grade I was taking Trigonometry, and in 12th grade I was taking Pre-College Algebra. My siblings were never good in math. I was the youngest of three and I helped my siblings with their math when I was in a lower grade then them.
I don't believe in the old-fashioned method of terrorizing students in front of their peers. It never works from my experience and does more harm than good. Math is a beautiful subject/topic if taught or experienced in a conducive way. It is the formula of life.
I hated Math when growing up, and I still say to this day "I will never use this kind of math in anything in the world." I never have, most jobs require little to no math use unless you are a nuclear engineer or something. I hate Math, leave it to the nerds to learn. I mean they had "Math Club"....I still find that club a joke. "Hey baby, I was part of Math Club".....The girl would never speak to you again.
I think math is fascinating. I am good at basic math but I have a hard time with the advanced math .I so jealous of people who are naturally good at math. I prefer reading and writing but would love to be better in math.
I'm okay with algebra and numbers, but I aboslutely cannot stand visualising shapes or vectors in 3D. I flunked out of trigonometry classes numerous times!
I love Maths. I think it's really interesting and fun to calculate different things and especially to learn new things. I am probably the only one in my group of friends who likes Maths. I have always liked the Maths class, while my friends absolutely hated it.
I'm one of those few weirdos who love math! I suck at memorization is Math is all about figuring out an equation and applying it to solve problems so that became one of my favorite subjects very early on.
What is it with me and numbers? Ever since I started going to school, I never understood mathematics. Sure, I can do basic arithmetic, but beyond that, I am hopeless.

I remember one time, when I was in third grade, I was made to stand in front of the class to solve a division problem. I stood there for almost an hour because I couldn't solve it. That was one of the most traumatic things that ever happened to me.
I have a friend who is just like you in this regard towards math. She absolutely despises math and numbers in general and she avoids it as often as she can. I'm almost the same way except I am really good when it comes to math, but the problem is that I hate it with a passion. When I first got placed in honor classes in middle school, I was furious, and that continued on until I graduated.
I've never been too good at math, but I enjoy the little I know, it's even a bit of fun sometimes.
I agree with Peninha though, we have calculators now :)
I have always loved math, because to me it is like solving a puzzle. I have always enjoyed puzzles and games. Algebra and Geometry to me are like intricate problems and I really enjoy them. It might be because I had an excellent teacher in high school, but well after college I was still tutoring college students in various math subjects. The only aspect I truly do not like is statistics and liability. That is one form that is truly boring and can be nerve wracking.
Hate math. Had I learned it naturally, I can see how I would have loved it.. I love problem solving etc and when I do it with my children, I can really get into it. But school sucked the life out of learning for me early on, so math didn't come easily to me. I was more the science girl than the math girl. Until they sucked the life out of that too lol.
I was sleepy when i saw this a couple of minutes back and i read it s "Do you like meth"...and i was :P
Now that one good thing about this is it has got me back to normal..Kudos to OP :D :P
I studied Computer Science in college and math is one of my favorite classes. It's not complicated at all and if you really put time into it it will become very easy to understand and quite enjoyable.
It's also very helpful in life, it helps with how you perceive certain situations.