Do You Legally Have to Roll Down a Window More than 2 Inches?

If you are pulled over for speeding I have heard to never roll down the window more than 3 inches because it's inviting them in and they could say they smelled something or say something and rip part your entire care for suspicion. My question is, legally are you required to roll your window down more than 2 inches? If they keep asking you to and you refuse what can you say or do?
I've never actually heard of this, but I'd have no problem with it since I don't drink and drive. Not sure what the point of not cooperating would be.
I don't drink any drive either. I'm just curious to know what the actually law is and if you have to comply. Or if you just need to roll it down enough to give them your license and registration.
If you intend on having no contact or words with the officer I believe you're supposed to hand them your lawyer's card through the opening & roll the window back up. They are supposed to contact the lawyer & break down why you were pulled over & if the accusations make sense to your attorney he is to contact you & express that you follow the police officers instructions but more often than not I've noticed the lawyer wants to come to the scene before you exit the vehicle.

If you're trying to have a conversation with the officer through the slit between the window yourself I really don't see that going over too well.
I don't know what the actual rule is, but whatever the police office wants me to do, obviously within reason, I'm willing to do because I don't have anything to hide. Not that anybody else is. I am a law abiding citizen and I'll willingly comply with any request to roll my window down, look in my vehicle or whatever because it will turn up ZERO dodgy stuff that they might be hoping to unearth LOL
There has been a huge controversy lately about this subject. I can understand both sides of the debate. There are those folks that think its an invasion of privacy and then there are folks that believe you should because you should have nothing to hide. I tend to lean toward the latter of this argument. I don't have anything to hide and don't mind a police search but, they better have a really darn good reason.
The only reason I could see for not rolling down the window, other than to hide illegal activity, would be if you need to see the officers credentials so you know if they are legit or possibly trying to trick you into pulling over and being vulnerable. After receiving the information and verifying that the officer is a legitimate officer, I do not see the reason to not fully cooperate with them by rolling down your window.
I always roll down my window fully since I've got nothing to hide. While I'm not implying causality I've also not be asked to leave my vehicle and have it searched.
I did not know you did not actually have to talk to them and that you could just give them your lawyers card, I thought you actually had to converse and co-operate otherwise you could be arrested. I would roll the window down though, I think people are more likely to be nice to you if you are co-operating with them.
I don't think there is a legal limit, but if a police officer requests that you step put of the vehicle, rolling down the window makes no difference. If the officer shows ID and has cause for you to show your documents, then you need to comply.
I have never heard of this. I of course would also roll my window all the way down as I also have nothing to hide but in terms of whats legal I have no idea.
I've never actually heard of this, but I'd have no problem with it since I don't drink and drive. Not sure what the point of not cooperating would be.
Oh yeah,second that,right..!!
I too don't too,and "i don't " means i never drink at all.So i really don't have a problem too.I would be willing to co-operate to their needs/orders anytime.
I've never heard of this, but I suppose that something like this happened to someone. I always roll my window down fully because I don't have anything to hide, but why would they make things up just to arrest you?