Do you get paranoid writing on forums?

I don't get paranoid because I set very specific limitations on what I'll share on any forum or other medium (Twitter, et al.). For instance, I'll never post a selfie or other picture of myself on those places. I do believe from time to time I've mentioned the city I live in, at least those that are nearby, but I've of course never doled out my exact address. Now, I'm sure if someone really wanted to find out everything about me they could piece together information from all these sites, I use the same name on every site unless I luck out and am able to drop the "MHFan" and just use "Tony", but barring that unusual circumstance I'd think I'm pretty well insulated.
There are times when I get a little worried about some the things that I write on forums. Then, I just kind of seem to write them anyway. I think you should censor yourself at least a little, but for the most part you are free to say whatever it is that you want to say.
It's not a top worry of mine. If I'm not out to tick anyone off, there's no reason why someone would want to track me down, and if someone has the mindset to want to track me down without provocation, then it's not worth worrying about since they'll do it anyway.

If it's a matter of professionalism...well, just don't say things on the internet about work/yourself/whatever that you wouldn't say in front of your boss. ;)
I get lots paranoid while writing. But I guess it is slowly decreasing and it is easy to get used to the kind of life of writing.*
Not at all.
Even though I know pretty much anyone can find my true identity, I don't think I've ever posted or will ever post anything that would cause concern if it was linked back to me.
Somewhat, though I'm not really worried too much about my anonymity. Most forums I use the same handle and there are certain places that I am registered that would be embarrassing to explain to online friends. Though of course if they were to see me on such places they may have some explaining to do as well.
I can, at times.

I feel as I say stuff that alot of people in real-life wouldn't think me as, most of the time I usually just talk, but on here this is my career as an up-coming police officer, and I don't think alot of people have ever seen me as this intrigued or in-debate with things as they normally do.
I get pretty paranoid many times because I feel like I'm revealing so much of myself, of my life, through sharing my opinions and experiences. However, it just feels like I cannot do one without the other -- if I want to share what I think, if I want to argue a point, if I want to give advice, if I want to ask for advice -- it needs to be supported by some parts of my life who brought me to this point.

That and, since I'm generally a writer, I have to learn to live with just exposing myself to the world, I guess.

Still makes me feel uneasy when I think about it too long though.
I'm a little paranoid that the NSA will pick this up. I think they have bigger threats to worry about than a good law abiding citizen.
I don't have too much to hide, so I'm not to paranoid about opening up on forums. I'm the same person on forums that I am in real life, so here I am. I give out minimal personal information that could get me a stalker, but I also have a big boyfriend, a crazy protective dog, friendly local police, and my own gun. I mean, they would be barking up the wrong tree. I'm good.
In general, forum posting is pretty anonymous. Most people are there to chat, let off steam and generally interact with others. Only a tiny percentage are "nutcases" so I think that as long as you are sensible with the amount of information you reveal about yourself then you are generally OK.
Nah I don't really worry about it. I am not interesting enough to stalk and I don't give away any worthwhile information about myself. I guess someone could stalk my opinions if they really wanted to, but that would kind of be pointless. People share too much information on their social network accounts and that is what they should worry about, not forum posts.
Nah..never have i felt bad/paranoid writing on forums.It is just exchange of views and we too get to know more abt the experience of other people who do.It is just a perception after all.
No, but a big reason is that I am very careful not to ever show my face or name my town. It would be hard to identify me without that much information. I don't share too much personal stuff unless from another readers view it is generic enough to be fairly anonymous and not something that would obviously point to me.
Nah, not at all xD I have nothing to hide and besides, I'm much more paranoid of the social networks as facebook, here we only post comments, that's all, but it is like all, if you do bad things on the net, bad things may happen in real life, if not, there is no worry, the only thing that disturbs me is to work with real money with the computer because oh possible hackers which steal or something like that.
Online earnings are something to be concerned about, but most companies pay via PayPal or by check. I would be more worried about someone taking my check from the mail than computer hackers. Many hackers go after companies, not the little people like us. PayPal also has tons of security measure in place to protect our pay. When you first get an account, *you are only able to withdraw like $400 a month until you go through all of their security hoops.
Nah I don't really worry about it. I am not interesting enough to stalk and I don't give away any worthwhile information about myself. I guess someone could stalk my opinions if they really wanted to, but that would kind of be pointless. People share too much information on their social network accounts and that is what they should worry about, not forum posts.

Stalking opinions would be useful in the case that you wanted to run for any political position and your opponents wanted to bring out your most silly thoughts to the public to discredit you.

Not that I think politicians would really bother, but maybe if they ask their people to find something about adversaries, they could bring this out of the deep recesses of the internet!

PS: I had no idea about the 400$ withdrawal thing on Paypal. Interesting.
I think it is wise to achieve a nice balance and to always be aware. Not always using your real name is a good idea and people should not be given any personal contact details.