Do you gamble?


Well-Known Member
If you do, in what form? Is it a quick trip to Vegas, scratchcards, poker with friends, or sports betting?

I personally don't see the appeal of buying lottery tickets, where the odds of winning are abysmal, or going to casinos, where the house always wins. I enjoy betting for my home team sometimes when they are playing, and playing some low-stakes poker with friends whenever we come together for parties.

In this regard I don't see such gambling as anything bad, more of a pastime and means of socializing. Do you?
Yes, but very rarely. I go to the casino when I feel like it, that is 2-3 times per year. Actually, I'd go more often if I don't have the discipline. But I always try to remind myself not to get too much into gambling. My favorite games are the roulette and Black Jack.

I treat gambling as something like a business. You should have a capital and be prepared for losses. If you can't control yourself, you'll probably lose a fortune.
I don't gamble because my money is hard to earn, so I prefer to spend it in what I need. What if I gamble and lose?
I haven’t gambled in a long time. There was a time I enjoyed tossing some coins in slot machines. Truth be told, I never won anything. Besides I lost a lot of money without noticing because a note would be changed into coins of small denomination. I also enjoyed buying a lottery ticket at least three times every week some time back. That was a lifetime ago.
Strictly no gambling for me and that has been my motto for a long time now.I feel bad losing money on those sweepstakes and since money is hard to earn it makes us feel guilty.
Say NO to gambling pls,it is pure crap,it lures to get back lost money and in turn losing more.
I guess I do when I buy raffle tickets, but other than that no. I have enough other vices that I don't need to just throw money out of the window on things that have 1000000 to 1 odds.
I used to go to the Casino a lot. When I it was taking more of my money than it was paying out, I realized it wasn't worth going broke over. I hated the way I felt after playing and I always felt guilty. I enjoy the atmosphere and watching other people play, but I don't like playing myself. Maybe I'm not a huge risk taker.
I worked as a deal in a casino for 14 years and saw what gambling can do to you. I saw people with wealth and status play it all away and end up broke over a few years period. I was at work one night when a guy next door to us jumped off the roof of the Casino across the street because he had lost his payroll for his employees. He had heard the old story about the founder of Fed Ex playing his workers payroll to pay off his debts and keep his company afloat and went to try it for himself. I don't know why people want that quick fix instead of the hard work. The easy path isn't always better and doesn't always work out in the end.
There was a time I went to the casinos often. Thankfully I didn't pick up a gambling addiction. I have relatives who became heavy gamblers. I will buy lottery tickets sometimes. I do it for fun. I never spend a large amount of money on it. Maybe I'll get lucky one day and win some big money.
I only gamble in games that have microtransactions, on crates and keys specifically. I always get the worst stuff, but there's the feeling that keeps me going on, as long as I don't spend too much.