Do you feel unsafe as a woman?

It is legal to carry a concealed weapon here, but I have not yet gone to get one. I can't carry a gun at work, and could get fired for doing so, and there is really not much point carrying one elsewhere because I am with my fiance when we go out for a night out. I honestly would be afraid to pull it out I think and would second guess myself. I think pepper spray or something a little less lethal would be better for me.
I hate street harassment and think men who do it should be banned from the streets, but I look at the statistics. If I really am likely to be harassed or have my knitting bag stolen by some fool who thinks it's a purse, in that area a man is likely to be maimed or killed. (Rape, as, I really don't think the most sensitive part of someone's body is something to fear. I have hands and feet.) Women need to work together to claim our right to be in any public place at any time without harassment.

I'm not especially afraid to go out alone. In theory I could still be raped, although rapists usually look for terrified virgins and teenaged boys are in more danger than middle-aged women are. In theory I could also be shot, hit by a bus, or killed by a turtle dropped by an eagle flying overhead. In reality I think the probability of any of those things happening is low.

Attitude is a factor in whether or not people are attacked in one way or another. In college, when walking through a dangerous area, I used to carry a pistol. I never fired it. As an adult I've felt that a knife and a cell phone were enough. I've never used the knife as a weapon either. I have let people I distrusted see that I had weapons. Also, I don't carry a purse. Also, I save the shoes that look like sex toys for the bedroom, and wear shoes I can walk in on the street. But the most important thing I think frightened American women can do is learn to feel sisterly or motherly toward men, rather than terrorized.
As someone who has experienced being almost sexually assaulted in a public place, I really feel unsafe. Whenever a stranger stares at me, I feel really uncomfortable and I sometimes think he's having dirty thoughts inside his head which makes me feel more anxious. It's really hard to be a woman as you can always be someone's prey.